♠️ 22 - He Needs Me ♠️

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•Avianna's POV•

"Dad! Don't!" I shouted after him. He pressed the trigger, I heard the gun go off and I closed my eyes tightly. I then heard laughing.

I opened my eyes and Leo was okay. My dad was looking at him proudly.

"You seem worthy." My dad said. He then turned to Xander.

"How about you?"

"Well sir-"

"Boss! We got Lydia!" My dad's men called from behind us. She was still alive, mumbling under her breath. He raised her head and saw my dad.

"You came?" She said in disbelief. She then looked at me and her face became red with anger.

"You!" He rose her hand which held a gun and pointed it to me. Everything slowed down, the gun went off, I raised my hands in defence and waited for the bullet to hit. Instead of feeling the bullet make contact with me, I heard a groan. Xander jumped in front of me and took the bullet, everything happened so fast, I didn't realize what just happened.

He fell to the floor, blood flowing out from his chest, the same spot where he had been previously shot. Tears fell from my eyes and i dropped to my knees next to him.

"Get him onto the helicopter!" My dad ordered his men. They lifted Xander's body and carried him to the helicopter.


Have you ever felt like you were trapped in your body? There was no way out, your body couldn't register anything so you kept still, your eyes didn't want to cry, so it just stared. That was the state of my body. I saw Xander fight for his life, everyone was sad, Blake even shed a tear. But I stood there witnessing this horrible image, I wanted to turn away but I couldn't control my body. It didn't want to move, I wanted to scream and cry but my mouth and eyes refused. I was left there, standing watching Xander, bleeding, body barely responding and I couldn't do anything.

"Avi?" Selena rested her hand on my shoulder. I blinked but didn't respond.

"Baby..." My dad said, reaching out his hand for mine. I inhaled and took a step forward to him. He embraced me and I let my tears fall, he patted my head continuously telling me that it was gonna be alright, but I kept crying anyway.

"Wanna go home?" He asked when my tears lessened.

"No, I wanna stay with him. He needs me." I sniffed, my dad nodded his head understandingly.

"I'll stay with her!" Selena volunteered.

"No, you don't have to. I'll be fine." I assured, but she shook her head.

"There isn't any way on Hell, Earth or Heaven that I'm leaving you here to mourn, I'll stay with you and leave with you."


"No 'buts', no excuses!" She exclaimed.


"Then I'll take Blake and Leo home," my dad announced. "take care of her." He told Selena.

I watched my dad, Blake and Leo leave, after that I resumed my position watching the door of the operating theater. Selena held my hand, silently assuring me that everything was going to be alright.

I was silently praying, hoping that he'd be okay.

"Just wait and watch, he'll be alright." Selena advised.


I updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I'm not completely back, I still haven't got a permanent device but I'm working on it. I just wanted to post this chapter because of 2 reasons:

1) You guys desperately wanted to know what was gonna happen to Leo. Some of you thought he was gonna die, but instead Xander might. (Maybe, Maybe not,I'M NOT TELLING!)

2) WE HIT 10K VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! I AM JUST SCREAMING!!!! Thank you all sooooooooooooo much, I really appreciate it, every single one of my weirdos! <3 So this chapter was a thank you gift from me to you.

So I hope you enjoyed it and you know the usual - Vote and leave a comment expressing your thoughts/craziness/opinions.

So Bye! Until Next Time... Love ya Weirdos!!! 💕

PS: I know it's a short chapter, I'll try to make it up next time 😘

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