The Surprise!

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-Chapter 2 2/2

Jack's POV

I got out of the clinic really late. Like seriously it's already 2 in the afternoon. I remembered that I had some similar classes with Elsa so I just waited in the class I expected her to be in, Broadway.

I stood there waiting for her. 5 minutes had passed and let me tell you; Patience is not my thing. I opened the door and walked in like if I was here the whole time, looking for where Elsa is.

"Jackson, why are you late in my class?"

I looked to the auditorium, Ms.Tremaine. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" She looked at me with that cold glare of hers. "Nothing. . .!"

"Now I asked you a question, why were you late, Jackson?"

"He was in the clinic, Ms.Tremaine" I looked in the crowd of people, sitting in different rows, "Who said that?!" Ms.Tremaine yelled at the crowd."Me," I saw a hand rose up from the audience. Wait isn't that. . .

"Stand up dear."

"I, Elsa Arandelle" Elsa stood up from the rows of seats. Ms.Tremaine looked back at me, "Is that true?" I nodded and waited for her to say something.

"You can take a seat" I took a seat next to Elsa and whispered a 'Thank you' and dozzed off to the rest of the class.


I felt someone nudge my arm, I ignored it but it kept becoming more annoying. I took a grip of the seat handle and hoped for it to go away. I started hearing a whimper and I started opening one of my eyes.

"Elsa. . .?" I looked at her and noticed I was gripping her arm to tight. I quickly removed my grip, looking at the mark I left behind and looking back at her.

"Elsa, I'm sorry . . .", she had tears streaming down her pale cheeks, looking downcast. I looked around and noticed there was nobody left, maybe that's why she was nudging my arm. I tried to gently rub my hand on her arm. 'Way to ruin her day Jack!' my mind scolded at me. I looked down at her arm and noticed that her arm was actually really red. You could have mistake it with a sunburn.

"Elsa, I'm really sorry. . .", I started wipping her tears away with my thumb. I was clearly sad that although she helped me, I only caused her pain. I gently grab her hand and stood up, signaling for her to get up too. I was heading out of the door, but somebody made there way in here first.

"Elsa?!" a girl with strawberry blond hair came in screaming. "Who are you?" I asked getting closer to Elsa. She gasped and looked at us both, probably hearing Elsa's whimpers.

"What did you do to my sister?!" she practically yelled getting closer to us. She already was ready to fight. "I kind of. . . " I started raising my voice but her Elsa whispered something. I looked back at her and kneeled down to see her crying harder. "Elsa, everything is going to be okay, we're going to the clinic." I looked back and saw that her whole arm was red. I gritted my teeth and looked back at her sister.

"I kind of grip her hand too harshly, while I was sleeping." I know that sounded stupid and ignorant but that's what happened. "Why were you sleeping in class anyway?!" She did sounded like a mom or an older sister.

"Anna, it's okay. . ." Elsa said, raising her voice. "Elsa it isn't!", "Elsa, I'm going to take you to the clinic." I started walking to the door but her sister was blocking the door.

"I expect you to take care of my sister, if not, I'll hurt you in ways that haven't been invented!" her sister yelled as she took Elsa's hand and had a small talk.

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