Full of shocks!

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Chapter 8 2/2

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw in front of my eyes, Elsa and Merida were wrap in ropes, with duck tape covering their mouths. As I flash the light to look who did this, I coudn't be more surprised to see Pitch behind them. "How did yo--" "It was all easy, really" "I could see Merida glaring at him.

"Let them go!" I shouted.

"Hehe , and you think I will listen to you" Pitch chuckled as he glared at me.

"Get him!" Pitch commanded. I heard some faint shifting and I quickly ran towards Pitch. Jumping in the bed and landing behind PItch, hitting him with my shoulder, taking my pocket knife out and cutting Merida's rope. By now, you're probably asking why I have a pocket knife. Well this isn't the first time this has happened, well kidnapping my friends yes, but a fight with Pitch isn't. She quickly shook it off and started fighting with the two buff dudes that wanted to catch me.

"Oh Jack, you think you have this covered don't you" He said "Well I think I do!" I back fired as I gave him one my biggest grin.

"Oh poor Jack" He finished. He started doing some motion in his hand but I didn't know what he was doing, but I heard Merida said kind of scared, "Jack. . . this guys don't look normal" I looked back confused, and saw what she was talking about.

The two guys had crimson red eyes, and there skin started turning to. . . black sand? "Heh, Jack you aren't the only one with powers here. . ." I looked at Elsa's eyes, and back at Merida signaling we should run. "Well think again! Merida run!" I exclaimed as she started running to the door and was the one who had pick Elsa from the bed and carry her piggy back style to the door. As soon as I got to the door, I look to Pitch, which was a mistake, he had two black horses behind him staring at me.

"Goodbye!" I quickly say as I close the door behind me. I quickly cut Elsa's rope and hold her hand as we go down the stairs. I think it was an instinct but I still enjoyed it. Merida had already opened the door, waiting for us, bow in hand.

"When did you get that?"

"My backpack is over there" she said as she pointed to her backpack. "Jackson you're not getting away with this!" Pitch yelled as he broke the door open. Couldn't he open it? Well we still needed to get out, as we started running out the door, Pitch shoot a ball of what seem black sand at us, but luckily it hit the wall. To what it looked like, the wall started to... melt?

"Next time, I'm not missing!" Pitch yelled again as he shoot another blast of black sand. I quickly push Elsa outside as I closed the door, hearing a huge "THUD" as it started to melt. "Elsa you know this place show us a good hiding spot!" Merida told Elsa. "I don't know, I don't wander outside that much."

"JACK!" I heard Pitch yell.

"We don't have time to plan out where are we going, I know a good hiding spot follow me!" I commanded as I took Elsa's hand and started running. I was running to the forest, the place I knew like the back of my hand. It had traps and such, in case this happened. "Jack where are we going?" Elsa asked nervously,

"To my tree house" I whisper at Elsa and Merida. I knew that this was going to be a long run, so I knew I needed help.

 I quickly stopped, and looked at Elsa and Merida, "Elsa and Merida, I need you both to not freak out..." "Okay" I heard them both squeak worriedly. 

I let out a loud whistle. Suddenly a guy appeared behind a tree. 

"Nice seeing you Aster!" I greet him as both Elsa and Merida are behind me. "What do you want?" He asked in his grumpy way or normal. 

I move aside and show Elsa and Merida to him. "We need to go to my tree house, to hide from Pitch!" he moved out of the trees and walked into the moonlight. His blue like bunny ears looking bigger than usual. I heard a giggle behind me but brushed it off. He tapped on the floor with his feet and a medium size hole appeared.


Merida had already went and I gently grabbed Elsa's hand and jumped in.

Elsa's POV

I had gotten really nervous and scared back there, but Jack helped me and guided me. I had my eyes shut all the way from the ride we had back there. Jack seriously had explaining to do. But Merida beat me to it.

"Okay, you have explaining to do mister!" Merida scolded Jack.

"I know you two have questions go ahead and ask" Jack surrendered. "Who is that Jack?" "Pitch." "Why does that guy has weird powers?" "You have to ask him that question to that guy." Jack protested. 

"Why does Pitch want to kill us all?" I questioned, Jack gulped in this one. "Pitch. . . he was the one who killed my parents, he knew what I was going to do in my life and all, he wanted to kill me since I was little, but North became sure to protect me."

"The principal?!" Merida asked shocked "Yeah, why do you think I'm in this school and where there are kind of weird people. I'm not the only one. Cuz if you haven't know, all the students in our school have a certain quality, but I'm not supposed to say that am I?" he looked at me. I knew what he was thinking, But how did North knew?

"Well is there something I need to know more about?" Merida asked.

"I have to confess," I raised my hand, so Merida could see. "Oh god..." She mumbled, "I have ice powers, giving to me as birth. . ." I said as I created a snowflake out of thin air. "Oooh..." Merida looked at the little snowflake. It vanished when a hard thunder hit the ground.

"Well I guess we have to sleep in this place" Jack said as he looked behind me. "There's a couch and one bed, so--" "I'M TAKING THE COUCH!!" Merida screamed, oh god this isn't turning out good. "But can I change my cloth is wet" I quickly said before he stared at me in confusion before realizing. As I was going to stand up, I started feeling deezy and fell to the floor, I forgot I was sick.

"Eh, I forgot you're sick aren't you Elsie?" Jack asked picking me up and placing me in the bed. "Yeah. . ." I said before I gave a huge sneeze. God, I sure hated being sick.

"I'll get you cloth right now" Jack said as he got some nice cloth from his drawer. Jack gave me simple stuff to wear, a white shirt, brown shorts, and even his blue hoodie! Sorry for being excited by his hoodie but seriously, you can't expect me to not be. I was going to take my shirt off as Jack gave me the cloth but I remembered, "Jack can you turn around. . ."

"Why? . . .Oh forgot my stupid question." He said as he turned away blushing. I quickly took my cloths off and put the cloth Jack gave me. Letting out a huge sigh as I finished.

"Can I look behind me already?" Jack asked, "Sure" I answered as I started hiding my body in the covers, that's when I noticed a mirror. The mirror pointed behind the bed, leading to a. . . half naked Jack. . . I stared at his back muscles flex when he started putting his other shirt. He was in blue boxers, and my face was already red. When he got some pants and put them on, I swear I didn't expect this to come out his mouth. . .

"You like what you see?"

My face flushed a deep vivid red, I quickly looked away from the mirror and deeply buried my head in the pillow. Giving a scent of his. As a smile crept to my lips, I started dozing off and went to sleep.




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