Chapter 2: Realiziation

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You wake up next to Jaiden's door wrapped in a blanket. You rub your eyes and see that Jaiden's keys are gone.

'Where could she have gone?'

You stand up clutching the blanket and keep it over your shoulders. You walk over to the living room and sit down on the couch, which wasn't very comfortable, but it was more comfortable than the floor, so you lied down there and drifted off to sleep.

A few minutes later, Jaiden pulls up in the driveway, which woke you up. You sat up and walked to the front door, unlocking it and opening it, stepping out onto the front porch. Jaiden sees you and waves, yet again, faking another smile. You force a smile and wave back to her.

She steps out of the car and locks it, walking over to you.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?"

You rub your eyes again and yawn as a response.

"Ah. Why aren't you asleep then?"

"Because. *yawn* I can't sleep."


"I don't know. I just can't for some reason."

"Ah. Well you should probably get something to eat. That might help."

You sigh and your eyes soften.

"No, I-I'm fine. I feel full for some reason."

She raises an eyebrow and studies you closely. That sounded strangely familiar. She shook it off and placed her hand on your shoulder.

"C'mon. Please? I've got bird seed for Ari, if you'd like that."

You frowned and groaned.

"Oh hahaha. I was exhausted. It was one time I ate bird seed! Don't make fun of me for it!"

Jaiden laughed and nodded.

"Okay okay. But seriously. You should get something to eat."

"Alright. Alright. I get it. What do you have?"

"Um.....well....I have plenty of fruit, seen as how Ari is addicted to it. I've got a couple of things we could make a sandwich out of. I've got cereal, chips, popcorn, stuff like that. Any of that seem of interest?"

You stood back and thought for a second. Forgetting you still had the blanket clutched in your hand, Jaiden notices it. She laughs. You look at her confused, before asking her what was up.

"You kind of look like Linus with that blanket in your hand."

You raise an eyebrow and look down.

"Oh. Right. I forgot about that."

Jaiden giggled and grabbed your hand, pulling you in and closing the door.

"Uh, Jaiden?"

"Even though it's the beginning of the morning, it's still pretty hot outside. And seen as how you love that blanket, you'll get overheated very quickly."


Jaiden locked the door and walked into her room, sitting down and starting back on her animation.

You sighed and sat down on the couch, dropping the blanket down and turning on the TV. After a few minutes, you gave up. There was never anything good on. At least, nothing that showed of any interest to you. Nothing seemed to appeal to you as to when you were a young child.

You were about to call out to Jaiden to ask what she recommended, but you caught glimpse of her speaking into her microphone. The TV was still on, she was probably waiting for you to turn it off so she could record without any terrible background sounds. You snatched the remote and quickly turned it off.

"Sorry Jaiden."

Jaiden looked up at you and smiled, her eyes dull and lifeless from the lack of sleep.

"It's alright, I need to organize my script anyways. Ari knocked my papers off of my desk so they flew everywhere and got out of order."

You blink a few times before smiling kindly.

"Oh, alright then. I'm still very sorry for not turning the volume down though."

"Nah that's alright. After all, I'm the one who turns it up that loud."

You giggle and nod, placing the remote down on the coffee table and standing up, dragging your feet against the wooden flooring underneath your weight as you made your way over to the refrigerator. You carefully opened it and found that it was practically empty. You tilted your head to the side before shrugging it off.

"Guess she didn't buy anything recently."

You closed he fridge door and crept over to the pantry. The firm wooden door creaked as you peered inside. You studied the room in disbelief.

'She definitely hasn't done any shopping for at least a month.'

You closed the door and tiptoed into Jaiden's room, slowly walking over to the mattress as to not make any noise.

"Hey uh Jaiden?"


"I uh, didn't bring any spare clothes with me, do you have any that I could borrow?"

"Um.....yeah. I think I have a few shirts in my closet out in the hallway, along with a few pairs of jeans. And I believe I also have shorts in my dresser if you prefer those. Just look around and find something you'd like."

With that, she turned back to her desk without another word spoken. You smiled and stepped towards her dresser. Pulling open the bottom drawer, you scanned for something comfortable. You eventually pulled out a pair of black sporting shorts and tucked them under your arm. Once you made your way to the closet out in the hall, you opened it with very little effort. After about a minute of taking in all of the clothes in your mind, you finally selected a blue, 3/4 sleeved t-shirt, lace stitched on to the bottom. You smiled and walked into the bathroom, quickly changing and throwing your dirty and wrinkled clothes in the nearby hamper that hung carelessly on the doorknob. After you exited, you walked into Jaiden's room again, meeting eye contact with the brunette herself. Now you couldn't tell if it was from the way the slight was reflecting off of her smooth skin, but was she blushing?

You smiled and thanked her, earning a quiet "no problem" as a response. You trudged your way over to the mattress again and picked up your phone, turning it on and going to YouTube. After scrolling through the recommended list, you stumble across Jaiden's first video posted. You smiled and clicked on it, turning sideways and bringing it to full screen.

As soon as Jaiden recognized the voice, she covered her hands to hide her now red face.

"Ugh....I swear I'm going to delete that video someday."

You giggled at Jaiden's response to the video and paused it. Walking over to her, you place a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention. You pull her head to your chest and hug her tightly.

"You're so cute."

You could swear that you could literally feel Jaiden's face heating up in embarrassment against your chest. You pulled away and scratched the back of your neck.


Jaiden turned around and froze. You giggle again and walk out of the room, your phone dangling from three of your fingers.

Jaiden watches as you exit, feeling her heart race and thump loudly. She doesn't know what this feeling is, but she can't worry about that right now. She has more important things to worry about.

She needs to tell YouTube something.

She needs to tell YOU something.

Helping you Heal   (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now