Chapter 7: What Just Happened?

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(You and Jaiden are already awake.)

"Hey! No fair! I wasn't ready!"

"All's fair in this race!"

You and Jaiden let out screams and laughs as you played Super Mario Kart, clicking of the controller buttons ringing out through the room. After passing Jaiden, you finally reached the end, coming through as first place, Jaiden coming in as second. She groaned and you let out a victory cheer, followed by laughing.

"You started before my controller was even plugged in! That wasn't fair!"

"Sorry 'bout that. Just wanted to play."

Jaiden sighed and placed her controller down beside her.

"Tell you what. We can have a rematch, and I'll be sure to actually start when you're ready."

"Fine. But prepare to lose this time."

"Will do."

Jaiden picked her controller back up and nodded, signaling she was ready this time. You laughed and went to a harder course than before, causing Jaiden to gulp. You both selected your characters, and pressed start. Your characters both dropped down onto the course. After three seconds, the race started, and off Jaiden went, passing you easily

You looked over at Jaiden in slight surprise, only to see a smirk of satisfaction plastered on her face. You quickly turned your attention back over to the screen, gripping your controller sightly tighter.

(Time skip to the race being over)

"Haha! I told you that you should be prepared to lose!"

"And you were certainly right. I was not expecting that."

Jaiden chuckled and sighed, placing her controller down by the console, which she turned off afterwards. You looked up at her, confused.

"Now that that's over with, I have to go feed Ari."

You nodded at her and smiled, putting your controller down next to hers.

"Gotcha. Hey, I gotta go to my sister's house for a bit. I'll be back at around 3:00 or 4:00."

"Alright. See you then."

"You too."

You walked out of the house, not forgetting to grab Jaiden's keys. You put the key in the ignition, then drove off, making your way to your sister's. Jaiden looked at you confused as you drove off into the distance, before eventually turning a corner and disappearing.

"I thought her car was fixed...."

She shrugged it off and walked to her room, grabbing her bag of bird seed and walking over to Ari's bird cage. She opened the small door, only to have Ari shoot out through it, landing on her bed.

"Ari! What was that for?!"

Jaiden tried to catch her breath, eventually succeeding. She took a small handful of the birdseed and placed it in Ari's tiny food bowl. She then put the bag down and walked over to her bed, picking the small bird up. Ari hopped onto her finger as a ledge, staring up at her.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, you little brat."

Ari tilted his head to the side, then climbed up Jaiden's arm, then up to her shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. She raised an eyebrow at him, but quickly sighed, gently rubbing his head.

"You're lucky you're so cute. Otherwise you'd still be at the pet store."

Of course, Jaiden didn't actually mean it, and she'd certainly would always have bought Ari, but, you know. Gotta seem serious sometimes. She put Ari back in his cage, and he instantly went to eating. Jaiden chuckled and sighed, closing the cage door.

Helping you Heal   (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now