Chapter 16: A Second Chance

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(Jaiden's P.O.V)

Tonight's the big night. Tonight, I get another chance with [Y/N]. The love of my life. My best friend. My crush since childhood.

Yesterday, I didn't fall asleep until four in the morning, and I slept in until three thirty in the afternoon, so I only have around four hours to get ready. Well, three and a half, because it takes about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant. So, I went ahead and showered after I woke up, which only took fifteen minutes.

Three hours and fifteen minutes left.

Next, I got a little snack. The voice in my head was trying to stop me, but I was too happy about the date tonight, I just flat-out ignored it. Just as I was throwing my trash away, I feel my phone go off on the table. I pick it up excitedly, and see that [Y/N] texted me.

[Y/N]: Hey, car is acting up again. Do you mind picking me up for the date?

My face heats up and I smile as I respond.

Jaiden: Of course I don't mind! I'll drop by at 7:15.

[Y/N]: Okay. Thanks Jaiden.

Jaiden: No problem!

I find that I'm struggling to contain my excitement for the date. So, I decided to watch TV to try to get my mind off of things. I sit down on my couch, and go to Hell's Kitchen. However, I'm not able to focus.

(Your P.O.V)

Eeeee!!!! My god, I sound like such a fangirl! I'm not one who acts that way usually, but I'm just so happy that Jaiden agreed to go on this second date with me! She's picking me up in three hours, so I need to get ready.

I dash to my bedroom, and grab the same dress from last time, then the shoes, and raced into my bathroom. Gathering up everything I would use after I get out of the shower, like deodorant, my hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, and my hairdryer, I lie them out on my sink counter. I quickly slip out of my clothes, and hop into the shower, making sure to rinse and clean my hair at least three or four times. At least. Then I use extra body wash, and use it all over my body. After that, I make sure to shave my legs, just so I don't look like I don't care about my hygiene and everything.

When I get out of the shower, I check the time as I wrap my towel around myself.


Okay. That gives me enough time to dry off, dry my hair, and get dressed. And that's exactly what I do. I quickly dry my body, then use my hairdryer for about ten to fifteen minutes, then get my dress on, somehow managing to zip it up. I decide to put my shoes on in the living room; I leave the bathroom and sit on my couch. Usually I'm not one to dress up in a girlish outfit, but I'd do anything for Jaiden.

While waiting for Jaiden, I watch TV.

(Jaiden's P.O.V)

I have ten minutes until I need to leave to pick up [Y/N]. For the past hour and a half, I've been getting ready. I got my dress and shoes on, fixed my hair, and double checking everywhere just to make sure I don't forget anything. I feel as though I'm still forgetting something, but I'm not sure what it is. I eventually shrug it off, since I only have two minutes before I need to leave. Before I know it, I'm in my car, driving to [Y/N]'s house.

When I arrive, I'm too nervous to get out of my car in case someone sees me. So, like the little anxious girl I am, I pull out my phone and call [Y/N]. After two rings, she picks up.

[Y/N]: Hey Jaiden! Just give me a second, and I'll be right out. I'm almost done getting ready.

Jaiden: Alright. I'll see you in a little bit. Bye.

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