Chapter 5: Helping You Heal [Part 1]

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Jaiden awoke to the sounds of soft snoring behind her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked down, seeing arms wrapped around her waist. She looked up and saw your peaceful face resting. Her eyes grew wide.


Jaiden yelped as she fell off the mattress, a loud thud being created.


You bolted up at the two loud, sudden noises. You peered over the side of the mattress only to find Jaiden lying on the floor. You laughed and helped her get back up, sitting her back down on the mattress next to you.

" to tell me what that was about?"

Jaiden looked away and chuckled, scratching her neck nervously.

"Well.....I kinda forgot that I crashed with you last night, so when I woke up, I kind of got startled."

"Kind of?"

"Shut up! You know what I meant."

You laughed and nodded, throwing your arm over Jaiden's shoulder.

"Yeah I know. Just messin' with ya."

Jaiden rolled her eyes and smiled, hugging you tightly. You smiled and hugged her back, not really understanding why she was hugging you. After pulling away, Jaiden sighed and clutched her stomach in pain as her stomach growled.


"Come on Jaiden. Let's go get you something to eat."

"But, Y/N, I-"

"No buts Jaiden. You need to eat in order to survive. So let's get up, and fix you some breakfast. If you want, I'll take you somewhere."

Jaiden sighed again and rubbed her arm. She finally agreed after a few more minutes of you trying to convince her. She didn't like that she'd have to eat.

But she shook it off, thinking she'd just gag herself to throw it all up later. Yeah, that'd work. No worries. Right?

You and Jaiden made your way to the car and hopped in, driving back to the little bakery. When you arrived, you greeted the employee at the counter and asked Jaiden what she wanted.

She eventually just decided on a order of what they called, "the Chefs specialty," which consisted of blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs. You thought that sounded good, so you decided to order the same thing.

Sitting down, a waitress greeted the two of you not too long afterwards. She asked you if you'd like to order any drinks, which you almost immediately said yes to. You ordered [f/d] and Jaiden ordered an iced tea. You smiled as you saw her inhaling the scent of candles.

She had always loved them. Well, except for you know, "man town" and "mmm bacon." Just judging by the names they were probably the worst candles on the planet. I mean, why would you want your room to smell like pig flesh? Or worse, a men's locker room.

You shrugged that thought off and tapped your fingers against the table, waiting patiently for the waitress to return with your orders. And soon enough, she did.

She placed the two meals in front of each of you, along with your beverages, making sure to hand you silverware so you could eat your meals without having to just use your hands.

Almost instantly, you dug in, and within a short amount of time, you were finished. You started drinking your [f/d] before glancing back over at Jaiden, who hadn't even taken a single bite.

Placing down your beverage, you decide to attempt to get her to eat.

"Are you gonna eat that, or do I need to feed it to you?"

Jaiden smiled at your question and picked up her fork, allowing a few pieces of the pancake to be consumed.

"So. Is it good or what?"

She nodded as she chewed her meal, finishing it a lot slower than you did. You smiled at her happily and took her now empty plate, placing it on top of yours. She slowly drank her iced tea, which was in a rather small drinking glass. After finishing it, the waitress came back and took the dishes, then giving you the bill. You placed the correct amount of money and made sure to leave a tip.

The waitress came back and took the bill, wishing you two a good day. You two thanked her and left, stepping back into the car.

"So Jaiden. Does it feel nice to finally be eating again?"

Jaiden frowned inside but smiled outside, nodding and then looking out the window. You sighed sadly as you knew she faked her appreciation. You fastened your seatbelt, and off the two of you went back to Jaiden's house.

Once you arrived, you made sure to keep a watchful eye on Jaiden, making sure she didn't try and spit up everything she had just consumed. And of course, as if it were her everyday routine, which technically it was, she went straight back to her room.

You joined in her room and sat on her bed, starting a conversation with her.

"So Jaiden. About that video."

Jaiden froze and turned towards you, then looking away ashamed.

"Y-Yeah, about that.....I really didn't mean for you to see that right away. I figured you would've watched it once I was better. I know it sounds dumb, but you seem to be the only one who cares about me, minus my parents. I just thought you would be disappointed and would stop talking to me. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have done tha-"


Jaiden looked at you, slightly surprised by your sudden change in tone. She sighed and sat in her office chair, turning the opposite way from you. You walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She glared up at you, only to look away again.

"Jaiden, listen to me. Please."

Jaiden sighed as you lead her back over to the bed, sitting her down beside you. You pulled her in for an embrace right after you both had sat down. She was shocked at first, but hugged you back, allowing her tears to flow from her eyes as you began to talk.

"Jaiden, you are the most amazing, beautiful, talented, kindest, inspiring, intelligent, motivational, and one of the best people I've ever, and will ever, meet in my entire life. You can't let the stupid voices in your head change any of that. You are perfect just the way you are, and whether you believe it or not, you matter. The world wouldn't be complete without you, I, wouldn't be complete without you. Without meeting you, I would have never been the same was as I am today. You helped me through so much, and to this day, you're still one of the only people I can look up to. My mother and father don't care, and my siblings are too busy to listen. You're the only person I can talk to. You'd talk to me late at night, talking about my problems that I thought no one cared about. And I hope you know you are my everything. So please, don't hurt yourself like this not only hurts you, but those who care about you. And I know you don't like others being not love yourself, in order to love others?"

Jaiden was bawling her eyes out at this point, choking on her sobs even. Her nails were digging into your shirt. You were quietly weeping over her, holding her close and rubbing her back, whispering sweet, relaxing nothings into her ear.

"Y-Y-*hic* N...........I'm so-*hic* sorry......."

After several more minutes of crying and comforting, Jaiden calmed down and pulled back, looking into your eyes, smiling sadly, yet happily at the same time.

"So.....will you finally learn to love yourself for who you are?"

Jaiden's eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks tear stained. She was smiling after what seemed like forever of acting and fake smiles and laughs. For once, she was able to smile. And this time it wasn't fake. She began laughing as she hugged you tightly.

"Yes.....I will......"

You smiled and hugged her even tighter, happy to hear that. You rocked her back and forth and took deep breaths as you yourself finally calmed down.


"Yes Jaiden?"

"Thank you."

Helping you Heal   (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now