Chapter 11: Waiting on Day Three

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It was two more days until yours and Jaiden's date, and Jaiden was already growing nervous. And because of this, she began drawing more and more. Mainly of you, posed in a cute position, or dressed up for the date. Her face was completely red every time she started sketching, and she made sure to hide her sketchbook to where no one could find it.

Or so she thought.

It was around the middle of the afternoon when Adam came knocking unexpectedly on Jaiden's door. He wasn't really invited in her house, but he came waltzing in anyways, making himself comfortable on the edge of the couch.

"Uh, Adam?"


"Why are you here?"

"Oh. Well, my computer kinda crashed in the middle of my animation, so I came here for the collaboration."


"Yeah. That was scheduled for today, remember?"

Jaiden jumped and her eyes widened.

"Oh crud! That's right! I completely forgot!"

"Nah, it's alright Jaiden. As long as we get it uploaded this week, it won't really matter when we make it."

"Is James coming too, or.....?"

"No. His computer is still working, so he's gonna be working in his room."

"Okay. Well, I'll go find a spare seat, microphone, and headphones for you. You can go into my room to find where you wanna sit if you want."

"Okay. I'll let James know we'll do the video soon."

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go draw, so if you're hungry, you know where the food is."

Adam nodded, and Jaiden went into her room, grabbing her sketchbook from her hiding space, and sitting down at the end of her bed. She began sketching out the face, then the body, followed by the hair and clothing. Until eventually, it was a full drawing of you. That's when Adam walked in.

Jaiden yelped as the sketchbook was removed from her hands, and Adam started looking through. All of the color drained from her face. She stood up and tried to snatch it back from him, but he simply put a hand on her head and held her back as he looked at the drawings.

"Adam!!! Give that back!!!!"

"Hang on a bit, I wanna see these."

After a while, Adam handed the sketchbook back to a now red-faced Jaiden.

"So, you really do like my cousin, don'tcha?"

Jaiden nodded as she covered her face with her free hand. Adam sighed and smiled, placing a hand on Jaiden's shoulder.

"It's okay Jaiden. You just need to confess on that date, and before you know it, you'll have a girlfriend."

Jaiden sighed.

"A-Anyways. C-Could you keep this a secret? Please? Just between the two of us?"

Adam placed his hand to his chin as he thought.

"Alright. I'll keep it a secret. But! You have to tell [Y/N] about it when you two are together! Deal?"

Jaiden figured it wouldn't matter if she got together with you, so she shrugged, placing her sketchbook on her bed.

"Fine. It's a deal."


"Anyways, where are you gonna sit?"


"Y'know....for the video?"

"Oh! Right. Um....I guess I could work at the edge of the desk. Would that be okay?"

"Yeah. That'll be fine."


Jaiden grabbed her old microphone and headphones for Adam, and decided she could let him use one of her kitchen chairs, so at least he'd have somewhere to sit. When everything was setup, they called up James, and started the collaboration.

When that was over, Adam thanked Jaiden for allowing him to use her old equipment, and left. With him gone, Jaiden grabbed her sketchbook again, and began drawing. Her face grew red again as she realized Adam was probably going to tell you over the phone, and she placed her sketchbook down as she buried her face into her hands.

"Uuuuuuggh.......I should've waited to draw until he left....."

After a few minutes, Jaiden looked around her house, and eventually found a good hiding spot, that wasn't in her room. It was one of the empty cupboards in the corner of her kitchen, and no one really seemed to even open it, so she figured it was a good place. She put her sketchbook there, and shut the door, then going back to her room, and starting back on her animation.

About half way through her eighth or ninth frame, her phone buzzed next to her computer. She picked it up.

Adam: Don't worry about telling [Y/N] by the way. She already knows.

Jaiden: ADAM! Why'd you tell her?!

Jaiden actually wasn't surprised.

Adam: Because I knew you'd be too shy to.

Jaiden: I hate you.

Adam: That's okay. As long as you don't hate my cousin, I'm fine.

Jaiden: Okay, well, thanks for breaking the promise.

Adam: No prob.

Jaiden: I was being sarcastic.

Adam: I know.

Jaiden: Anyways, I'll talk to you later. I've gotta work on my animation.

Adam: Alright, I've gotta get my computer fixed anyways. Bye Jaiden.

Jaiden: Bye.

Jaiden tossed her phone onto her bed and groaned, allowing her head to fall on the desk, barely missing her stylus.

"I hate him so much....."

For the rest of the day, Jaiden was teased by Adam about her drawings, and she eventually blocked him, and powered her phone completely off before face planting on her bed. Ari didn't help at all. He kept knocking things off the nightstand, and kept nudging her stylus off of her desk. She constantly had to get up and pick up what Ari had knocked off, before eventually deciding to place Ari back into his cage. When that was done, she checked her outfit in the closet, and sighed.

"The date is tomorrow."

Helping you Heal   (Jaiden Animations x Female Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now