clemont and bonnie

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Moon strolled around Lumieose city, eyeing the many Pokemon that strolled round the streets alongside their trainers. She continued sightseeing, her eyes scanning the many shops around her. the friendly atmosphere reminded her of home

"Wow! this place sure is different from Alola,  i wonder how Kukui is holding up with out me ?"

Suddenly her espeon decided to exit her poke ball, allowing her to walk by Moons side. Moon smiled as the sun Pokemon looked in awe at her new surroundings.

Moon carried on strolling around, rotom slyly taking pictures from Moons bag, not wanting to catch too much attention from the citizens around them. Moon looked up at the large skyscraper building, standing in the middle of the city square.

"That must be Lumieose Gym, Ash must be in there battling as we speak, Hope he wins"  Espeon purred in agreement as they continued to to eye the pride of Lumieose city.

But before Moon could make her next move, she heard a loud zapping explosion emanate from the tower, she turned her head to see ash fly out the button of the poke ball gym sign. Moon could only watch in fear as her friend started plummeting to the ground, Luckily she spotted two blond haired figures run towards Ash as he was nearing the ground. The taller male figure threw his backpack towards the ground beneath Ash, triggering the backpack to explode into a humongous airbag, giving Ash a soft yet frightening landing, luckily for pickachu the smaller female figure was able to grab him, Moon sighed in relief as Ash landed on the soft cushion.

"Thank Arceus their alright..." Moon sighed along with her Pokemon, "i wonder who they are?"

~Back to Ash after meting clemont and Bonnie cause im lazy :)~

"And now its time for us to introduce ourselves!" said the blond haired boy. "I'm clemont and this is my little sister Bonnie", Clemont explained, Ash smiled at his two new friends.

"Nice to meet you Clemont, Bonnie!" Ash greeted, his pickachu cheered, greeting the two as he sat on top ash's head.

Bonnie complimented the bond between Ash and his pikachu, he began to explain that Pickachu was the first Pokemon that he ever got, and that the two were adventuring together to become Pokemon master.

"so what kind of Pokemon do you have Clemont?" Ash asked curious to know.

"Hmm, OK here's a Pokemon i recently caught" Clement pulled out a poke ball, showing the black haired trainer, Ash was so curious to find out what it was, what better way to find out, then a battle!

"cool, please can i seat, then lets have a battle!" Ash pleaded as Pikachu ran down to the battle field, awaiting the trainers.

"a battle for real?"

"yeah, if i can't have a gym battle, i'd like to have my first battle in the karlos region with you, what'dy say?" Ash raised his fist in determination, hoping that clemont would agree.

"lets do it, id would be a great test of strength!" Bonnie agreed trying to persuade her brother.

Clemont nodded "alright, you're on!" Bonnie cheered as her brother accepted the offer, both trainers made their way towards the battle, unknowing that a young girl had been listening to their conversation.

"well, i have nothing else better to do, wanna watch espeon?"

"~espeon~" her pokemon purred as it laid on the wall above the battlefield, watching as the two boys began to battle.

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