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{Side Note~ Credits to Mared for ideas for this chapter :) Also, sorry for the wait! I'm trying to keep on top of it but bare in mind, school starts soon and I will have even less time to post but I'll try to post new chapters in any free time that I have.
And by the way, These Girls is SO GOOD. It's such a bop. Listen to it here-  Without further ado, enjoy this chapter💛}

Zach Herron and I, Eli Brown eye each up and down... (that rhymed unintentionally)

We eye each other quite literally.

He does it to me in a playful way and he has a little smirk on his face. I do it to him in order to see him in all of his glory.

He's wearing a black shirt (what's new) and some joggers that look unbelievably attractive on him.

He has his hair down too and fuck fuck fuck, he looks so good like that.

He then grins from ear to ear and he freaking pulls me into a hug.

Just like that, within seconds of seeing each other.

I'm quite short, maybe about 5 foot 2, so he almost towers over me.

I get suffocated I swear to god, but I don't care, his arms wrap around my shoulders, his head is rested on the top of my head and he smells heavenly.

Like that typical boy smell that boys seem to have...somehow?

I smile so big, despite hardly being able to breathe.

And I ignore the fact that David brushes past us in the doorway and mutters "what will we do with kids, huh" to himself.

We're still hugging and the next thing you know, he rocks me from side to side in his embrace.

This is a moment I NEVER want to forget. Because who knows when will I ever see him again.

He then lets go and says,

"Oh my god! You're so pretty! How are you by the way, still jet-lagged?"

(This conversation is still being held by the doorway, with the slightly breezy LA air coming through the open door)

I blush furiously. He called me pretty.

Wow. I. am. LIVING.

I then take a deep breath but very quietly and answer his question.

"Thank you so much. You-you don't look bad yourself... and ummm, yes. Kinda."

I cringe by my stutter and awkwardness.

He gently laughs.

"Why thank you. We'll make the quick introductions and stuff and then you can go to the hotel and sleep."

He kicks the door gently shut, whilst slightly leaning over me and I get a stronger whiff of his cologne and his boy-ish smell.

Wow, just wow.

I then stand there awkwardly but he leads me by the hand further into the house.

I can't help but swear, I'm sorry but FUCK.

His hand is really warm, compared to my cold one.

Both of our hands fit together perfectly.

He then draws circles with his thumb on mine.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

We walk into the lounge area first, which is the first room.

And my god, I can't believe I'm here in person.

The First Text (A Why Don't We Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now