Prologue - Part 1

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"Mrs. and Mr. (l/n), here is your child." The said couple smiled as their child was handed to them.

"Oh, isn't she beautiful?" the women cried.

The little creature let out a high-pitched scream but stopped crying soon after.

The man nodded, "She sure is something."

~ a few years later ~

"Good morning Ochako!" You greeted while running up beside her. Your (h/l), (h/c) hair flew behind your shoulders as you did so.

"(y/n)! How are you?" The cheerful brunette asked.

"I'm good thanks! By the way, sorry I couldn't come to your birthday party, so here!" you took out a handmade card.

It was blue with the corners cut off so that it would look more professional. There were also red glittery hearts all around the words "Happy birthday". On the inside, there was a picture of you and Ochako. It wasn't the most amazing drawing, but your parents thought it was better than Leonardo da Vinci.

"This is so cool! Thanks (y/n)! It's great!" She wrapped her arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly. You patted her back and smiled.

After some more walking and talking, there was still one thing on your mind. It has been there ever since Ochako turned 4.

"So have you found out your quirk yet?" you asked her. She nodded excitedly.

"Watch this!" The card she was holding suddenly started to float in her hand. You eyes widened.

"Release!" she ordered and the card dropped back in her hands.

"Wow, that's amazing Ochako!" you complimented as your eyes glistened.

"I'm sure your quirk will be awesome too," Ochako smiled and grabbed your hands. "Just like you are." 

"Oh, stop it." You lightly punched Ochako's shoulder.

"Let's get to class before we're late." You quickly changed the subject. Ochako nodded, her brown hair bounced as she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the school.

A few years after your fourth birthday, you still haven't developed your quirk. This has gotten both you and your parents worried, especially your dad. He couldn't stand the thought of his only child, not having a quirk. This was a heavy load of pressure on you.

Your school wasn't much better as your classmates found out that you had no quirk. People started to make fun of you and stopped talking to you. However, you had one friend that would stay by your side no matter what.

"(Y/n)!" Ochako said as she pulled her chair to sit beside you. You looked up and smiled brightly at her.

"Good morning Ochako!" you were happy it was Ochako and not one of your bullies.

However, that thought didn't last long as whispers could be heard around the classroom.

"Why is Uraraka-san talking to the quirk less girl?"

"She should stay away from her..."

"I don't even want to be in the same room as her, let alone talk."

You looked down at your desk as the negative comments flooded your mind.

Maybe they're right...maybe Ochako should find new friends- SLAM!

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound.

Everyone became quiet as Ochako slammed her hands on the desk.

"Even though, (y/n) haven't gotten her quirk yet, doesn't stop me from being her best friend!" Ochako said sternly.

Everyone sat frozen, even you, as Ochako sat back down. You felt a happy feeling come up as you heard the words that your best friend had said to everyone. You gave her a small smile and whispered "thanks", in return she gave you a thumb up.    

~ At lunch~

Ochako was dragging you out the doors to the school's garden.

"Please tell me again why you are taking me here?" you ask as she pulled you along.

"I want to show you something that I have been practicing!" she cheered. You looked at her from behind.

"Can you tell me what is it first?"

"Okay fine," the two of you stopped walking and she let go of your hand. "I learned how to lift people up using my quirk!"

"Woah, that's amazing!" you eyes widened. It's only been a few years since Ochako first found her quirk. You didn't think she could do such advance things already.

"And I wanted to do it on you!" Ochako explained happily. You nodded eagerly.

The thought of flight made sparks go flying in your mind. You always wanted to experience the feeling of what birds felt.

Ochako touched your hand and concentrated. Suddenly, ribbons of turquoise light flashed before eyes. They circled around and suddenly stopped. Both of you were surprised to see this strange event, but all you could think about was not being up in the air.

"Um...Ochako?" you questioned. Ochako let out a deep breath.

"That's strange..." she thought out loud. "It always worked..."

"Maybe I'm too heavy for you to lift me?" you tried to come up with a reasonable explanation of this phenomenon.

She shook her head, "That can't be it, I did it with my parents and it worked."

"Maybe you should try again... on someone else?" you offered.

Just then a random boy walked by. He stopped midway because he felt a pair of eyes looking at him intensely.

"Hey!" Ochako cried. The boy looked at her. From your point of view, it looked as if he was about to run for his life. However, he was too slow and Ochako quickly touched the boy. He started to float.

"WOAH!" he cried. You were amazed, unlike the boy. He was flailing his arms.

"Ochako this is amazing! Try it on me again!" you jumped up and down, ignoring the boy's cry for help. She released the boy, who started to run away and walked towards you.

She touched your hand and concentrated. The same turquoise light circled around you as before.

"Well, this IS weird..." you said. Ochako looked down for a moment.

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