Chapter 1

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"Aren't you excited (y/n)?!" Ochako screamed in your ear. You nodded.

The two of you were walking towards the best hero high school in all of Japan, U.A. You were going to take the entrance exam in hopes of getting in and becoming a successful hero.

"Of course I am! I mean, who wouldn't be?"

"I hope we make it in together..." she said with hope. You nodded again.

"Don't worry, I have a good feeling we will." Suddenly, she screamed at the sky.

"Alright then! Let's stop the sad talk," Ochako said, quickly changing the subject. "If you have a bad mind set, you'll have a bad day!" 

She started to run off into the direction of the school. You sighed and ran up to catch her.

~ Time skip ~

"Woah...U.A is a big school..." you said in awe.

You looked around at all the different people, all walking into the same school. However, one person, in particular, caught your eye. There was a boy with green, bushy hair and cute little freckles on his face. He looked really nervous and was walking quite weirdly. Ochako saw him as well. Just as he tripped and was about to fall, she quickly touched him and made him float.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

"EH?!?!" he cried while flailing his arms. You could tell he wasn't prepared to float in mid air.

"Ochako, you should've just grabbed his arm or something." You scolded.

"Yes, yes." She scratched the back of her head. Ochako helped the poor boy back on his feet.

"This is my quirk!" she said as she clasped her hands together. "Sorry for using it without asking you. But it would be bad luck if you fell, right?"

The boy just looked at her.

"Aren't you nervous? I know we both are." She said pointing to you too. You nodded.

"Um...Eh..." the boy stuttered.

"It's alright if you're nervous," You said. "It's not something you should be afraid of."

You gave him a smile which he found adorable. 

"Let's all do our best, okay? See ya!" you and Ochako waved bye to the guy before he could say anything else.

"Wasn't he a nice person?" Ochako asked you.

"He acted like he never talked to a girl before..." you quietly said. Ochako karate chopped your head.

"He was just nervous about the exam (y/n)! Don't be so mean." You rubbed the top of your head and nodded.


The orientation room was very large and had a huge screen at the front. You were sitting beside Ochako, looking around at your surroundings. The lights dimmed down and you saw a dark figure come up from the stage.

"For all of you examinees tuning in, welcome to my show today." He said with his back facing you. A spot light shined down on him as he quickly turned around. 

"Everybody say, "Hey~!"!" he cheered, but no one said a thing.

I feel so bad for thought.

"What a response..." he sighed. "I'll just tell you the rundown of the practical exam... You'll be experiencing a 10-minute mock urban battle! Bring along anything you want because, after this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned testing location!!"

No Longer Human [Boku No Hero Academia x Reader] [HIATUS?]Where stories live. Discover now