Chapter 7.5

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"You mind telling us who that Lucy Mont-what's her face is?" Kirishima asked for the 30th time in that period. Yes, you were keeping track.

After Lucy had walked into your class and introduced herself to everyone, you've stayed quiet ever since.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" you replied.

"Because you two seem to know each other very well." Asui commented. You sighed and stood up to use the restroom and also to get away from the class, even if it was for just a few minutes.

The class stared at your walking figure as you shut the door behind you. All of them slouched in their seats as they knew they weren't getting anywhere with you with those responses. Everyone groaned in annoyance.

Kaminari ruffled his hair while leaning back in his chair.

"I don't understand that girl. We just want to know what happened with that Lucy girl."

Everyone agreed with his statement.

"But we shouldn't force (y/n) to tell us if she doesn't want to, right?" Ojiro suggested.

Everyone agreed with his statement as well.

"Hey Ochako," Ashido turned around in her chair, facing in the direction of the said girl. "Could you tell us the reason why (y/n) and Lucy have such a bad relationship together?" Ochako nervously laughed.

"Well, you see..."

"Since you guys are best friends, you should know, shouldn't you?" Jiro asked.

"Um, I don't really know who Lucy is. That was my first time seeing her." Ochako scratched the back of her head.

"Really?!" the class exclaimed. She nodded.

Throughout the entire time, Midoriya had a feeling that he has seen that girl before. Those dark red pig-tails, that smile, it all seems to ring some bells in his brain. Suddenly, he shouted,

"Didn't we see her during lunch time?"

Ochako thought hard about it. She had this faint memory of you talking to a girl like Lucy during one lunch break. It was the one where you disappeared right after.

"Oh, Deku you're right!" Ochako pointed a finger up in the air.

"She did look familiar," Iida added. "I remember that as well."

"I really want to know, the suspense is killing me." Kirishima smacked his head on the desk, the sound resonating in the classroom.

The class sighed once again. Everyone was quiet, giving a peaceful silence to Aizawa. That was until Ashido disrupted the silence.

"Guy, I think I know what happened to (y/n) and Lucy."

In a second, everyone, with the exception of a couple of students, gathered around her desk and ready to hear what she had to say.

"It all starts on a cold day..."

~Ashido's Theory~

You were walking down the streets of Japan; the clouds were dark grey, signaling it was about to rain. The sidewalk was heavily filled with people, probably because it was rush hour. People were pushing everyone around, trying to get home as quick as possible. However, for you, this didn't seem like the case.

A cold autumn breeze blew past you which made you shiver slightly. Pulling down your (f/c) hood to keep some warmth from escaping, you kept walking to your destination. Where was it? No one knows.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a suspicious looking person walking a couple meters in front of you. Your (e/c) eyes scanned the person from head to toe, something about her was off. She wasn't giving off the same aura as the other civilians around you. The only thing that was unique about the girl was her hair colour, dark red, the colour of fresh blood dripping down a human's body. Deciding to follower her, you stayed a solid 10 meters away from her.

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