#16♡How You Hug♡

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♡Preference #16♡

~How You Hug~

Cameron: He hugs you tightly. Wrapping his arms protectively around your waist, while you have your arms firmly around his neck.You always feel your safest when Cam holds you like this,as he feels the need to have you close all the time.Placing soft kisses on your nose to remind you that he loves you.

Nash: He hugs you from behind.Wrapping his arms around your waist and settling his chin on your shoulder,so he can turn his head and kiss you whenever he wants.You intertwine your fingers with Nash's and rest your forehead against his.This always results in Nash kissing you endlessly since his arms are firmly planted around you.

Carter: He hugs you like no tomorrow.He'll bundle you tightly in his arms,placing his hands on your shoulders,while you wrap your legs around his waist.Burying your face in his neck.You always feel a sense of warmth every time you're in Carter's arms and can't help but fall in love with him even more.If you're lucky, he'll even place a kiss upon your lips.

Matt: He hugs you randomly.Matt's not afraid to show the world just how much he loves you.When you're walking,you always hug his waist as he tends to wrap an arm protectively around your shoulder,drawing you in close and kissing your forehead.Matt does this so other guys know that you belong to him.

Shawn: He hugs you gently.Rubbing circles into your back and placing a kiss upon your cheek.You tend to place your head in the crook of his neck.Shawn will always sway you lightly in his arms.You love when he does this because, he'll softly sing your favourite song, while you just close you eyes and listen to his beautiful voice.

Jack G: He hugs you passionately. Placing one of his large hands on the small of your back,while the other is wound up in your hair.This allows him to pull you forward and press you closer to him,while you bury your head in his chest and wrap your arms snuggly around his torso.Jack always whispers sweet words in your ear,before he pulls back and kisses you on the forehead.

Jack J: He hugs you sweetly.He'll grab your hand and twirl you in towards his chest,before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and playing with your hair.He'll kiss every part of your face while you giggle softly hitting his chest.You love when Jack hugs you like this because you always feel like a princess every time he does it.

Taylor: He hugs you lustfully.Holding you tight to his chest,with one of his hands placed on your arse and the other in your hair.Taylor when holding you like this,alway leaves a trail of kisses down your jawline and neck,while one of your hands is laced within in his hair tugging softly when ever he kisses you and the other dragging teasingly down his side.

Hayes: He hugs you playfully.Hayes always picks you up and spins you around as he loves to hear you laugh.When he sets you down,you rest your head against his, before looking into his eyes and planting a kiss on his lips.People have said that you're too young to be in love but truthfully you both can't see yourselves with anyone else.

Aaron: He hugs you like a gentleman.He'll always ask for your permission for a hug or a kiss.Pulling you in close and resting his chin on top of your head,while you press your face to his chest.You never understand why he asks for your permission to hold you but honestly you think it's really adorable.



Love - M

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