♡Cameron Dallas♡

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Requested by: LUCY_RAE_0912
●Cameron Dallas●
"MY ANACONDA DONT!MY ANACONDA DONT!MY ANACONDA DONT WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS HUN!" You and Cameron yell at the top of your lungs as Nicki Minaj blasts on the radio.

Throwing your arms around from side to side, you try and dance in the small space you have in Cameron's car, even trying to do Nicki's famous twerk,making you look like you have some type of morbid disease.

Cameron burst out laughing at the sight of you. "Really Ashana?Did you really just try and twerk in my car?" He says,eyes focused on the road but you could still see the smirk that was plastered on his face.

"Damn right I did!" You say flicking your long dark brown hair over your shoulder,adding to your sass.

"Hmmmm I think I could take you in a twerk contest any day." He says teasingly glancing into your hazel eyes.

"Challenge accepted babe but I think we both know I'm the one with the booty." You say playfully,giving him a quick wink as you turn your face to the window.

Staring at the scenery outside you try to figure out exactly where Cameron was taking you.So far all you could see was trees,trees,more trees and a road.

"Hey Cam,where are we going?" You ask looking at him questionably.

"You'll see babe we're nearly there,just a few more minutes I promise." He says leaning over to quickly kiss you on the cheek,before his eyes were focused back on the road.

Nodding your head you lace your fingers with his,giving him a small smile before bringing your intertwined fingers up to your lips,placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand.

You could barely hear the sound of Cameron's voice when he finally whispered the words you had been dying to hear.

"We're here."

Winding down your window, your breath catches in your throat at the beauty of what you can see. Crystal blue sea surrounds you,hitting the grassy rock face as you drive further down you can see sand close to the colour of white,as the waves roll over one another.

Cameron stops the car,parking near the walkway that leads down to the beach.Jumping out of the car you grab Cameron's hand and drag him gently down the wooden walkway.

"Oh my goodness Cam how did you find this place it's beautiful!" You exclaim,squinting your eyes slightly as the bright sun shines above you.

"I had a photoshoot on this beach one time and I just thought it would be an awesome place to take you."
He says wrapping his arms around your waist,making you both look like waddling penguins.

Turning your head to stare into his brown eyes you make your proposal.
"How about I race you down to the beach you big softie." You raise your eyebrow,hoping he'd take up the offer.

"Fine Ashana but you do know I'm going to win right?" He says letting you go,you watch as he starts to do random stretches."I was quite the runner back in my high school days,not to intimidate you or anything." Winking at you he starts to set himself up.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Cameron." You say in a sing song voice.Tying your hair up into a tight ponytail you get ready to beat his ass.

Cameron starts to count down from three,before you both sprint off as fast as you can to the waters edge.Pumping your legs harder,you feel the sand beneath your feet knowing that there's only a few more metres to go before you beat Cam.

You can see the water come into view,which suddenly magically disappears when Cameron cuts in front of you.

"HEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S CHEATING!" You scream at the top of your lungs.

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