Chapter Four: Shocking Realization

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Later, Stine and I were coming home from the dress shop. I was on the phone with Slappy, telling him that his Papa and I were successful in getting a wedding dress.

Slappy chuckled. "You had better hide that wedding dress," he told me. "I do not want to see it until our wedding day."

I giggled. "Of course. I am sure that Stine will find a good hiding place."

"Are you and Papa on your way home now?"

"Yes. Are you and Hannah still not home yet?"

"No, but do not worry. We only have four more invitations to give, so we will be home shortly. And then I will see my beautiful fiancée once again."

I blushed. Slappy always flirts with me when he gets the chance.

He is such a good flirter.

We said our goodbyes, and Stine pulled up in the driveway. "I will get the wedding dress for you," he said as we got out of the car.

"It is okay, Mr. Stine," I reassured him. "I can get my own wedding dress." I was about to grab my wedding dress that was in the backseat, but Stine beat me to it.

"You should have been faster," he said, picking it up. "You can go in the house, Shelly. The front door is already unlocked. I will be in shortly."

"Okay." I quickly went up to the house and glanced through the window, noticing some candles that were lit. "Hmm. That is weird," I said to myself. "Mr. Stine did not have candles lit before we left - did he?"

I opened the door and slowly walked inside. It was so dark. All the lights were off. The only thing that I could see were the flickering candles, and they were everywhere. "I thought that Mr. Stine left the lamp on."

"He did, baby. But that would have ruined the moment."

I jumped when I heard the voice. The familiar voice.


I turned to where the voice came from and saw him.


He was standing in the shadows. I could see just one side of his body. His face and the rest of his body were covered by the darkness.

"Yes, Shelly," he said soothingly. "It is me. Slappy. Your love."

A chill ran down my spine. He had a creepy voice. But it was Slappy, my fiancée. So there was no reason to panic - right?"

I gasped when I heard the front door slam, and the puppet walked over to me and took my hands into his, gently rubbing them. "I missed you so much, Shelly."

I could feel my heart beat, and I started shaking a little, feeling a bit scared.

"W-what are you doing here, Slappy?" I stammered. "You told me on the phone that you and Hannah were coming home later." I looked around. "And where is Hannah?"

He chuckled.

Chuckled darkly.

"Hannah overheard our call," he explained. "She said that I could go home, and she would delivery the last invitations herself."

"Really? You just left her all alone?"

"She said that she could handle it."

" did you get back here so quickly? As soon as we hung up, Mr. Stine was already in front of the house."

"You have forgotten. I can teleport and possess magic."

"Oh, yeah." He was right about that.

The puppet pulled me close to him and held my face in his hands.

His cold hands.

" did this? All for me?" I asked.

"Of course, baby," he replied as he brushed my hair away from my face. "I could not stop thinking about you all day. I really wanted to see you again, and I wanted to do something special for you." I could feel his hot breath against my face, and I blushed redder.

He brought my face closer to his and stroked my cheek. "Let us savor this moment," he suggested.

"But Slappy, I cannot see your face," I said, giggling.

"Do not worry about that," he reassured me. "After all, it is our love that counts."

We were about to kiss, when I heard someone yelling.


I turned and saw the front door open, and the lights turned on. I noticed a short figure standing in the doorway, and I immediately recognized who it was.


I could see that he was not happy. "What are you doing with him?!" he exclaimed.

Hold up. If Slappy was standing in the doorway, then...who was holding my hands?

I slowly looked up at the person who was right next to me and cried out. I stumbled back and fell down. "W-who are you?" I asked him.

He smirked. "I am Snappy," he answered.

Slappy and Snappy: My Girl - A Goosebumps Fanfiction {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now