Chapter Eight: My Twin Sister

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"Shelly!" Snelly ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh, sis, I missed you so much!"

"Uh, hi, Snelly," I said, feeling a bit awkward. "It is so nice to see you again."

Slappy just stared at us, his face twisted in confusion. He looked at Snelly, and then back at me, and he went back and forth like that for a while, until he finally spoke up. "Huh. Snelly looks exactly like you, Shelly."

I nodded. "That is because...Snelly is my twin sister," I explained to him.

The puppet was suddenly in shock at what he had just heard. "Your twin sister? You never told me that you had a twin sister."

"There is a very good reason for that," I stated. I looked back at my sister. Man, we look so much alike. We even wear the same kind of clothing. If Snelly did not wear glasses and did not have freckles all over her face, then no one could tell us apart.

"Shelly?" Slappy spoke up, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you not going to tell me on why you kept your twin sister a secret from me?"

I took a deep breath and let it out, and I was about to explain it to him, when Snelly exclaimed, "Wait, sis! Let me tell him the story. I know that you do not like talking about it. Besides, I know more about the situation than you do."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Okay," Slappy agreed. "Then you can tell me about this matter."

"Gladly." Snelly cleared her throat. "Shelly and I loved each other so much when we were just little babies. We would play with each other and help each other out. Nothing could separate our sisterly love. That is, until one faithful day."

She took a deep breath, and then continued.

"We were at the park. Shelly and I were toddlers at this time. Shelly was playing her favorite game, Hide 'N Seek, with other children at the playground, and I was sitting on a bench, writing down some theories that I made up and doing simple math."

The puppet raised an eyebrow. "So, you are a geek?" he asked.

"A nerd, and I am proud to be one," she said happily. "Anyway, Shelly was running around on the playground, when she suddenly bumped into a man. The man was very tall and was wearing a suit. He looked pretty scary from a toddler's point of view. Shelly immediately started crying, and I heard her and ran over to the playground. I searched for her and called for her, and I gasped as I saw the man picking Shelly up. The man growled at her and told her to shut up, but it only made my sister cry harder. I have never liked seeing my sister upset, so I quickly went up to the man and kicked him in the shin. The man cried out in pain and dropped Shelly. Luckily, the ground around the playground was sand, so she never got hurt, but her clothes had sand all over them. I grabbed her hand, and we ran all the way home."

Slappy noticed that I was tearing up and wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me close.

"After we went home, we told our guardians about what happened," Snelly continued. "They had worried looks on their faces, but did say anything about the incident. I felt so bad for Shelly. She kept having nightmares about the man and would wake up in the middle of the night, crying. Sometimes, I had to sleep with her to keep her from getting upset. A week later, our guardians woke me up early in the morning and told me to pack my things. I asked them why, but all they said was to trust them. As I was packing my belongings, I kept looking at Shelly, who was still sound asleep. I took out my case that I put my glasses in and set it by the bed stand. It was not the best gift, but it was the only gift that would make Shelly remember me, in case something happened to me."

Tears started streaming down my cheeks. It was so true.

And so sad.

"I went downstairs, carrying my stuff in a suitcase, and saw our guardians and an older woman sitting in the living room," Snelly continued on with the story. "The older woman had black hair and was wearing a beautiful, purple dress. She seemed nice, but I was kind of scared of her, for I did not know her. I slowly walked into the living room, and the woman smiled at me and introduced herself. She said that her name was Ms. Claire and that she was the head of a college called 'Maxwell University.' She told me that our guardians told her about how smart I was. Ms. Claire did not believe at first that a toddler, such as me, would be so smart, but after looking at my works that our guardians sent to her, she drove all the way to see me. She encouraged me to enroll in 'Maxwell University' right then and told me not to wait until I was older. Ms. Claire said that I was a gifted child and that I should not waste my talents. I did not want to go because I knew that 'Maxwell University' was located in Tennessee, and Tennessee was so far away from home. Also, I did not want to leave Shelly, especially after the incident."

I hugged onto Slappy. "But you left anyway," I said.

"It was for your protection," Snelly explained. "Our guardians talked to me about the real reason on why they wanted me to go to 'Maxwell University.' Not only to get a good education, but to keep you and I safe."

"Safe?" I questioned her. "Leaving me would keep us safe? I wanted you to come back."

"And here I am," Snelly said. "I heard about your wedding, so I came all the way here. I knew that I could not miss your wedding." She hugged me tightly. "I am so sorry that I left you in the first place. I just thought that I was doing the best thing for both of us."

I hugged her back and burst out crying.

"I will not leave you again, sis," she promised me. "Never."

Slappy hugged both my sister and I, and after some comforting from them, I soon stopped crying. I looked up at Slappy, and he smiled and took my hand.

"Are you ready now?" he asked me.

I nodded and kissed his nose. "Yes, let us do this."

The puppet and I stood in the center of the opening, holding hands, and Snelly sat down in one of the chairs.

"Yay for my sis!" Snelly cheered.

I giggled. Darrell the squirrel pastor scurried up in front of us, holding a book. He opened up the book and started squealing.

"What is he saying?" I asked Slappy.

He chuckled. "Do not worry. I will translate for you."

"Yes. The squirrel says that you two are not meant to be together."

"Huh?!" I quickly spun around to where the voice came from. A figure stepped into the opening. I gasped when I saw that it was Snappy.

Snappy smirked. "Hello, brother."


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