Chapter 6

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As he woke up, Donnie checked the clock on his bedside table, seeing 10:30am stare back at him. Thinking he overslept, Donnie rushed out of bed and quickly got dressed, decidedly skipping his normal morning shower. After getting dressed, Donnie quickly put his homework in his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder and rushing downstairs.

Upon entering the kitchen, Donnie threw together a small breakfast that consisted of a bowl of cereal. As he went for the milk in the fridge, he noticed a small piece of paper taped to the refrigerator door.


We got called into work today, and will most likely be gone most of the day. Cash is on the counter for some food. You are welcome to invite your friends over if you'd like. Enjoy your Saturday.

Reading over the note, Donnie checked the date displayed on his phone screen as confirmation to what the note said today was. Sure enough, it was Saturday, and Donnie had not been late for school. Relaxing a bit, Donnie placed the note on the kitchen counter before resuming what he was originally doing. After getting the milk carton from the fridge, Donnie walked over to the kitchen table and poured some milk into his bowl of cereal.

As he slowly ate his breakfast, Donnie felt his phone vibrate in his jean pocket. Pulling his phone out, he saw that it was a message from Hannah.

Hannah: Morning, Donnie.

Donnie: Hey, Hannah.

Hannah: How is your morning so far?

Donnie: Despite the fact that I woke up and got ready for school, thinking it was a school day, my morning hasn't been all that eventful.

Hannah: Did you really do that? xD

Donnie: Yeah. Lucky for me, no one was home to witness it though.

Hannah: You're home alone too? Did your parents get called in for something that might take up most of the day?

Donnie: Yeah, but they said I could have friends over if I wanted to, you want to maybe do something? Whether it be with the others or just us two, doesn't matter to me.

Hannah: Sure! How about we meet somewhere?

Donnie: Ok. Monet's?

Hannah: Sounds good. Meet there in 20?

Donnie: Deal.

After their conversation and after he finished his breakfast, Donnie went back upstairs and decided to take a quick shower since he wasn't running late after all.

Once done with his shower, Donnie decided to wear a pair of dark blue jeans with a plain black t-shirt and a thin black jacket. After getting dressed, Donnie grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys before leaving the house and locking the front door behind him.

As Donnie walked down the sidewalk towards the café, he got a weird feeling that someone was following him. Deciding to brush the feeling off, Donnie continued on his way to his destination.

As he saw the café come into view, he noticed a familiar black car parked near the building. Smiling to himself, he knew Hannah was already there. As Donnie walked inside, he heard the familiar ring of the bell, notifying the staff of a new customer. "Hey, Clay." The familiar voice of Skye Miller greeted as she passed him, two drinks in hand as she was on her way to deliver them to some customers. "Hey, Skye." Donnie greeted back with a warm smile and small wave of his hand. "Hannah's right over there." Skye informed him, motioning to a table that was over in a corner by a window. "Great. Thanks, Skye!" Donnie replied as he headed over to the main counter to order a drink.

After placing his order, Donnie maneuver through the small crowd of people, making his way over to the table where Hannah was seated. "Hey." Donnie said simply as he sat down in the chair directly across from her. "Hey, Clay." Hannah replied, remembering to use his cover name in public. Donnie smiled at the girl in front of him. "You know, Jensen, I never thought it would, but black looks really good on you." Skye complimented as she set a warm cardboard-like cup in front of the boy. "Thanks, I think." Donnie said, giving Hannah a questioning look which made her laugh. "Don't worry, I'm not being sarcastic. It's a genuin complimemt." Skye said with a small, reassuring smile. "I know I normally wear all black, but it actually does look good on you, Clay. Brings out your eyes a bit." Skye added. "She's not wrong there." Hannah said in agreement, making Donnie blush a bit as he glanced down to his drink before picking it up and taking a small sip. "Anyway, you two kids have fun." Skye said before walking away and getting back to work. Hannah smiled over at her friend. "What did you get, Helmet?" She asked curiously, motioning to his cup. "I just got an iced coffee." Donnie said. "Although, it could be a little colder." He commented before glancing around the room. Once he made sure no one was looking, Donnie lightly touched his cup, making a sheet-like layer of ice form over it, being camouflaged by the white color of the cup. "I still think it's really cool how you can do that." Hannah said in a whisper-like tone. Donnie smiled in response. "Yeah. Sometimes it really comes in handy." He commented. "So, can you do that to bigger things? Like, people for example?" Hannah asked curiously. Donnie nodded. "I can. I've even had to keep myself from using it on Bryce after you told me what he did to you and Jess." Donnie admitted, matching his friend's whispering tone. "Really?" Hannah asked curiously. Donnie just chuckled. "Yeah. It was hard to not just go up and freeze him on the spot." Donnie said. This made Hannah smile a little as she thought about how Donnie just admitted to wanting to get back at Bryce for what he did to Jessica and herself. The two friends changed the subject as they continued to slowly sip their drinks and people-watch. While talking with his friend, Donnie couldn't stop feeling as if somebody was watching him.

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