Chapter 28

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The next morning, when Donnie woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his own bedroom or even his own bed. But then he began to recall what happened the night before - the heated make out session he and Hannah shared. Suddenly feeling a little cold, Donnie glanced down to see that his chest was bare. Panicing a little bit, he checked under the covers to see that he was still wearing the same pair of pants he was wearing the day before. Finally looking towards his left after registering a small weight on his shoulder, Donnie noticed a still-sleeping Hannah lying next to him, her head gently placed on his shoulder. He also noticed that she was wearing his shirt. Smiling to himself, Donnie remembered how they got into a heated make out session, the only article of clothing that was removed was their shirts, but nothing further than that.

Donnie lied there, just looking up at Hannah's ceiling and somtimes glancing down at his sleeping girlfriend as he started thinking to himself. He started thinking about the events that took place the night before and how he felt, knowing that Hannah felt it too. He thought about how he wanted to eventually go further than just making out, but not in a way as to force it. He knew he wanted to do those other things, and he would have no problem waiting until he and Hannah knew they were both ready for that big step in their relationship. He knew he didn't want to be another Bryce Walker and force her into doing something she didn't want to do or that she wasn't ready for, so he would voluntarily and happily wait until she was ready, whenever that time came - whether it being sooner or later didn't matter to him.

Feeling a small movement next to him, Donnie pulled himself out of his thoughts as he glanced down at Hannah. "Hey." The boy greeted softly as he smiled to a now-awake Hannah. "Hey." She greeted back, just as quietly, as she smiled and snuggled closer to him. She then quickly sat up as she remembered what happened the night before and noticed who's shirt she was currently wearing. "Relax, Hannah. We didn't do anything other than kiss last night." Donnie reassured his girlfriend as he sat up as well and placed a gentle arm over her shoulders, using his free hand to hold her hand in a comforting gesture. "Are you completely sure about that though, Donnie?" Hannah asked him, wanting to make sure. "Positive. I even checked, and I'm still wearing pants." Donnie said, slightly joking as he got a small smile from Hannah in return. "All we did last night was start a movie, then get distracted when we started kissing, and it ended up in here." Donnie said, stating what he remembered taking place the previous night. "And I'd say it got pretty heated too, since you're wearing my shirt now and leaving me with a bare chest." The boy added with a small smirk. Hannah smiled at her boyfriend's last comment. "I'm glad I stole your shirt. I'm enjoying the current view." She joked back, making Donnie noticably blush at her comment. "Hey, do your parents even know I'm here right now?" Donnie asked curiously as he remembered that his girlfriend's parents could possibly be home. "I don't know. That's a really good question." Hannah replied as the two got up and out of the bed.

After the two got up, Hannah giving Donnie his shirt back after she changed into one of her own, the girl left her bedroom to see if her parents were in fact home. "Nope. Parents aren't home. Coast is clear." She informed as she entered her room again. Donnie smiled at her. "Good. For a second, I was starting to think that your dad would murder me if he found out I stayed last night." He joked. "He wouldn't do that. Much like you're not like most guys, my dad's not like most dads." Hannah said, smiling at the end. "That's good to know." Donnie replied as he and Hannah walked out of the room and made their way to the kitchen to get themselves something to eat for breakfast.

After they had finished eating breakfast and putting their dishes into the dishwasher, Donnie checked his phone, seeing a message asking him to come home. "Sorry, Ms. Baker. Looks like I have to go. My services are apparently needed at home." Donnie said after placing his phone back into the pocket on the right side of his jeans. "That's a bummer. And I was really hoping I'd get a chance to steel another article of clothing from you too." She joked, referring to the red hoodie Donnie had left at her house earlier on. The boy smiled at the comment. "I'll tell you what, next time I'm here I'll bring this shirt with me, then forget about it when I leave." Donnie said, motioning to the shirt he was wearing. "Well, since that is my favorite shirt of got yourself a deal, Mr. Gill." Hannah said, holding her hand out at the end. Donnie chuckled to himself as he shook her hand, making their deal official. "How about I go home, see what my services are needed for, then, if it doesn't take too long, I can come back over later today?" Donnie suggested as the two made their way to the front door. "Sounds like a full-proof plan to me." Hannah said with a warm smile as she opened the front door and the pair stepped outside. "So, I'll plan to see you later, then, Ms. Baker." Donnie said as he stood next to his girlfriend and looked down at his her. "I hope you won't keep me waiting too long, Mr. Gill." Hannah replied, smiling back up at him as Donnie closed the space between the two, resulting in Hannah gently placing a hand on the back of his neck as they shared a gentle kiss. "I won't, don't worry." He said after slightly pulling away, softly resting his forehead against hers for a few seconds. Hannah smiled and kissed the black haired boy once more before watching him walk down the steps of her porch and start making his way back to his own house to see what exactly he was needed back at home for. Hannah smiled softly to herself as she watched his form slowly grow smaller as he got further away and eventually out of sight. Once she could no longer see him, Hannah walked back inside and closed the door behind her before going into the living room and turning on the tv, flippin through the channels to see if anything good was on tv.

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