Chapter 12

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"Where are you taking me?" Agent Simmons - a Shield agent working undercover as a newly recruited Hydra agent - questioned the two large, buff men leading her down a long hallway. "Thank you. Thanks very much." She said sarcastically after getting no reply from the two men walking behind her. As the three turned a corner, the sound of guns being cocked could be heard. "Ms. Simmons. Do you have anything warmer?" Mr. Bakshi, another member of Hydra asked after turning away from the geared up Hydra agents and seeing the woman's black short sleeved shirt. In reply, she slightly shook her head. "I'll grab you something before we leave." Mr. Bakshi said. "Leave? Where to?" Agent Simmons asked. "We've found Donnie Gill." Mr. Bakshi simply stated. "We've tried bringing him into the fold before. Now we have a second chance. With you - a friendly, honest face. Maybe we'll have better luck." Mr. Bakshi explained, smirking at the end. "He's dangerous, isn't he?" Agent Simmons asked. "Don't worry. We'll have your back every step of the way." Mr. Bakshi reassured. "Suit up." He ordered after one geared up agent handed him a black jacket, in which he handed the article of clothing to Agent Simmons. "It's going to get cold." He commented before leaving towards the ready-to-go transportation, the other agents and Simmons following behind, Simmons being slightly hesitant but able to hide it well as she walked with the others.

"You have no idea what you are bringing down on yourself." A crew member on the Maribel Del Mar ship said, holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture as Donnie stood in front of him angrily. "We will find you." The man added. "I know. I want to be left alone. But you people won't stop coming after me." Donnie spoke angrily. "So I'm done hiding. It's time Hydra learned once and for all...I'm not interested. I'm not afraid." Donnie continued before suddenly grabbing the crew member's neck, freezing him before the man even knew what was happening. "I'm pissed off. And every Hydra agent they send is going to feel it." Donnie finished, staring directly into the now-frozen man's terrified eyes.

Agent Simmons and Mr. Bakshi talked as they got off the helicopter and made their way towards the frozen-in-place cargo ship. "I'll be listening to everything. You run into any trouble, I'll be in your ear, talking you through it." The man said as he handed Simmons a communicating device to wear. "And what if he doesn't respond well?" Simmons asked as she put the communicating device on. "Then I suppose there will be a job opening at our laboratory." Mr. Bakshi said, sounding completely serious rather than joking.

"Trip says two minutes out." Mr. Baker says as he walks over to where everyone, including Hannah and her friends, is gathered. "Remember, Donnie Gill's a gifted. He could be a formidable weapon for either side. Let's make sure it's ours." Coulson says as he walks over and pushs a button near the back of the large plane, opening a large door that the geared up agents jump out of to get to the ship.

"Hello? Donnie?" Simmons questions aloud as she cautiously walks throughout the inside of the large ship, slightly being startled when she spots a few frozen crew members along the way. "I'm looking for...I'm looking for Donnie Gill." Simmons says as she descends a flight of stairs, her voice echoing through the ship. "Hello?" She questions again as she continues walking. "You may not remember me." She starts, trying a different tactic to get Donnie's attention. Simmons suddenly stops; however, when Donnie suddenly comes from around the corner and stops in front of her. "Agent Simmons?" Donnie asks. "Donnie." Simmons says in reply, smiling slightly. "It's nice to see you again." She tells him. "Who- who sent you?" Donnie asked, dismissing her comment. "Shield? Hydra? What-what side did you end up on?" Donnie questioned as he started walking forward, making Simmons have to start backing up as he got closer. "I'd like to think I'm on your side." Simmons told him as calmly as she could muster. "Get close to him. Convince him you want to help him." Simmons heard Bakshi's voice come through the small device he had given her. "I saved your life once. I heard you were in trouble. Please, I...I need you to hear me out." Simmons told Donnie.

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