Chapter 26

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Four days later, as promised, Donnie has asked Hannah out on another date, one where they'd go to the Crestmont theater after closing time to watch the moon from the building's roof, much like they did back when they used to work there together and Donnie asked if he could show Hannah the moon. Donnie especially decided to ask Hannah on a date to get her mind off of what has been going on lately - Hannah and Donnie had told her parents about the confession Donnie managed to get from Bryce, and had gone to the police station to report it. Donnie had also updated his mom on everything, and she had met with Hannah's parents to talk, and they had hired her to be their lawyer for the case against Liberty High senior jock Bryce Walker.

Looking through his closet, Donnie decided on a green and white plaid shirt with a pair of jeans and his usual black converse, accompanied by his light-weight black jacket since it was starting to get colder as as they got further into Fall.

After he got dressed, Donnie looked at himself in the full-length mirror that hung on the wall next to his closet door. Nodding at his reflection in approval, Donnie smiled to himself. Before heading out, the boy made sure he had everything he would need for their date.

Once Donnie knew he had everything, he headed out. The black haired boy decided to take his bike as he mounted it and started peddling his way towards the Baker's house. As Donnie peddled his bike down the dimly lit streets, he noticed how quiet it was and how there were no cars driving on the street he was on - not that he was complaining or anything. Donnie chuckled to himself when his destination came into view, along with a single figure standing out in the front yard, clearly watching for something, or perhaps someone.

"A little excited for our moon gazing date, are we, Ms. Baker?" Donnie greeted jokingly as he stopped in front of the house, seeing Hannah already standing in her front yard as she was waiting. "Oh, shut up, Gill." Hannah replied, not even trying to hide the smile on her face from him. The boy smiled in return. "Are you wearing my jacket?" Donnie asked, noticing the jacket - a red hoodie - Hannah was sporting was one of his own. "You left it over here once, and never asked about it. So I thought I'd put it to good use." Hannah said. "You can keep it, if you really want to. I don't mind at all. I actually think that jacket looks better on you than it ever did on me." Donnie told his girlfriend, being completely serious and honest. Hannah smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Donnie. This has always been one of my favorite jackets of yours." She told him as he dismounted his bike and placed it down in Hannah's front yard, the pair beginning to walk hand-in-hand towards the location of their date.

"You sure it's ok for us to be up here?" Hannah questioned her boyfriend as the two made their way to the roof of the Crestmont. "Yeah. I even came down here and asked our old boss yesterday, and he was completely fine with us being up here after closing time." Donnie reassured as he climbed up and sat down, swinging his legs over the edge before turning to help Hannah do the same.

"It's really nice up here. With the view of the town, and the sky. And with how surprisingly quiet and peaceful it is." Hannah spoke as she glanced around at all the buildings around them before looking up at the sky. "Yeah. This is honestly one of my favorite places to be. Especially with you." Donnie said, making Hannah blush slightly at the last comment. "It is a little chilly up here though." Hannah said, giving a slight hint as she carefully shuffled closer to her boyfriend. "Trust me, I'm not making the same mistake twice." Donnie joked as he wrapped his arm securely around the girl and held her hand in the other. As the two sat together, they both looked upwards, admiring all the bright stars and the full moon.

"I have a surprise for you." Donnie said out of nowhere as he briefly removed his arm from around Hannah and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small white box. "Donnie, you really didn't have to do anything. Just being here with you is enough." Hannah said as she glanced between her boyfriend and the small white box he held in his free hand. "I know I didn't have to do anything, but I wanted to." Donnie said with a warm smile as he gave the box to the girl next to him.

Staring at the box for a few seconds, Hannah finally slowly removed the lid, seeing a gray-chained necklace gently placed inside. When she removed the object from the box, Hannah became speachless. It was a heart-shaped necklace with "C.J" engraved on the front. "Look on the back." Donnie simply said with a bright smile as he watched his girlfriend admire the necklace. Confused from the boy's words, Hannah turned the heart around, only to smile when she saw "D.G" engraved there on the back. "This is truely amazing, Donnie. I really don't know what to say." Hannah said. "You don't have to say anything at all." Donnie said as he gently took the necklace from his girlfriend and carefully placed it around her neck, clasping it together. Donnie placed an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders again as she looked back up at the sky, admiring all the bright stars. As Hannah watched the sky, Donnie watched her. "It's so beautiful." She said quietly. "Yes you are." Donnie replied as he never looked away from her, making Hannah instantly blush and smile from his words as she turned to face him. "And you're so cheesy." She joked, turning back to look at the sky again. "Maybe I am." Donnie agreed with a slight shrug of his shoulders. He then gently placed his free hand under Hannah's chin, gently making her look at him again. "But only for you." He added, getting a smile from his girlfriend before the two closed the gap between them with a soft kiss.

After the two broke away, Donnie pulled his phone out and opened his music, putting it on shuffle as the music served as a nice background noise. "I never knew you liked stuff like this. That's one of my favorite songs by Meadows. It always makes me think of you somehow." Hannah said as "The Only Boy Awake" started to play from her boyfriend's phone. "It's one of my favorites too." Donnie said with a smile as he stared into his girlfriend's eyes. "And what could be better on a date at a place we used to work than a box of our favorite candy?" Donnie questioned with a smile as he pulled a box of the familiar Mike and Ike candy out of his bag that was set behind him. Hannah giggled with a smile as Donnie opened the box and poured some of the delicious candy into her hand. As the couple sat on the roof of the Crestmont, perfectly content in each other's company, they both slowly leaned in again, closing the gap in a brief kiss before the pair smiled at each other and leaned into one another as they looked back up at the stars and the moon shining above them.

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