Chapter 31

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When the next day rolled around, Hannah felt excited about her movie date with Donnie that would take place later on in the evening. As she got out of bed, she picked out some clothes for the day before heading to the bathroom to grab a quick shower, never being able to wipe the smile off of her face as she couldn't stop thinking about her movie date with her boyfriend.

After she got out of the shower, Hannah changed into the clothes she had picked out before - her usual boots, a pair of jeans, and a gray t-shirt accompanied by a long sleeved red and black plaid shirt resting over her shoulders and staying unbuttoned. After getting a glance at her outfit in the full-length mirror she had in her room, Hannah smiled brightly to herself before heading downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Well, someone appears to have woken up on the right side of their bed this morning." Hannah's dad teased her as she entered the kitchen. Hannah's mom playfully rolled her eyes at her husband before turning and smiling warmly at her daughter. "Glad to see you slept well, Hannah." She said as Hannah walked over to the counter, grabbing a plate and placing some of the already-prepared food onto cold, white flat circular surface of the plate. Hannah couldn't help the smile that spread across her face in response as she moved to sit down between her parents at the kitchen table. "Oh, I see. Is this about that date you have with a certain black haired, ice-powered boy later today?" Hannah's dad asked teasingly as he recalled their conversation before Donnie had left the night before. "I think it does, Andy." Hannah's mom answered for her after seeing her daughter's noticable blush at the mention of her date with Donnie. Hannah just laughed it off, rolling her eyes at her eager-sounding parents. "Since when were you two suddenly so interested in my love life?" Hannah asked jokingly as she finished eating her breakfast before going back to her room to get what she needed for school that day.

After getting everything together, Hannah swung her bag over her shoulder before walking back downstairs and saying goodbye to her parents as she left her house to head to school. Walking down the sidewalk alone, Hannah glanced around at her surroundings, not really paying attention to anything in particular until she started hearing a familiar noise - bike tires quickly roling against the asphalt of the road. "Hey, Baker, wait up!" She heard a familiar voice shout, bringing an involuntary smile to her face as she stopped and turned around to see none other than Donnie Gill racing down the street to catch up to her, getting car horns and angry gestures thrown at him as he sped past the cars on the road. Hannah laughed at the boy as he came to a haulting stop beside her, tripping over his bike as he attempted to step off before the bike fully stopped. "Impressive." Hannah commented sarcastically  through laughter as Donnie held one arm out to steady himself before standing up straight again. "I'm surprised you didn't just get yourself killed by the people in all those cars you passed to get over here." She said after she had calmed down from laughing. Donnie merely chuckled at her statement. "What else was I supposed to do? I woke up late this morning, and I still wanted to be a good boyfriend and walk with you to school."  Donnie said, smiling brightly. "Though I might've managed to run into a tree branch on my way here by not paying attention to where I was going." Donnie added, holding up his right arm and gently rubbing the noticable scrape that now decorated the skin where his shirt sleeve was slightly torn just above his elbow. "What did you get distracted by, Helmet?" Hannah asked as she lightly placed her hand over the torn fabric and his newest injury. "Our date." He said simply, not even trying to hide the blush that appeared over his cheeks. This made Hannah smile up at him as the two started walking again, Donnie using one hand to guide his bike while the other was clasped with Hannah's hand.

Later that day, after school had slugishly gone by, Hannah and Donnie were walking towards their lockers together to get their things before heading back home. "Hey, guys. What's up?" A voice called to the pair, leading them to turn and see Kat walking towards them, closely followed by Jeff and Tony. "Hey, guys." Donnie greeted as Hannah smiled to the three friends before turning to open her locker. "Hey, do you guys have plans? We were thinking about checking out this new scary maze thing that recently opened a couple days ago. I've heard a lot of good reviews about it, and apparently it's supposed to be scary, kind of like a haunted house type of thing." Jeff questioned the pair. "We did have plans, but we could move them to a little bit later. Our plans would actually be better to do at night." Donnie said, looking to his girlfriend as he spoke. Kind of curious herself about what her friends were talking about, Hannah agreed with Donnie about moving their movie plans to a little bit later and hanging out with their friends at the new, supposedly scary maze attraction. "Great! That means almost everyone is in! We just need to check with a couple others." Tony said excitedly. "Who all is going so far?" Hannah asked. "So far we have me, Skye, Jeff, Tony, Zach, and Justin." Kat said as she listed the names of their friends that were definitely going with them so far. "We're going to go find and ask Alex, Jessica, and Sherri." Jeff said before he and Tony left to find the three to see if they wanted to go too. "What plans did you two have that can be moved to later tonight?" Kat asked them curiously as she smiled, already having an idea of what it might be. "Oh, we were just going to watch a scary movie together later. We're doing this scary movie thing every night, leading up to Halloween." Donnie explained. "So, like a six-night-long date?" Kat asked teasingly. Donnie and Hannah rolled their eyes as they smiled at their friend. "Pretty much, yeah." Donnie replied. As Kat and Hannah, talked while Donnie went to get his things from his locker, Sherri, Alex, Jessica, Tony, and Jeff joined them, the five still talking about their plans for later that evening. As Donnie walked back over to the group, he spotted Skye walking towards him from down the hall, an excited smile on her face. "Hey, Donnie." Skye greeted as she saw him first and walked with him towards the others. "Hey, Skye. Excited for tonight?" He asked with a smile of his own. "You bet. I love this kind of stuff they do during Halloween every year. I'm even more excited that they decided to open one here in town this year." She said excitedly. "Yeah, me too. I actually really love this kind of stuff too." Donnie said, agreeing with Skye as they walked over to join the others.

After chatting for another minute or so, the large group of friends left the school together, stopping by the bike racks to let Donnie get his bike before they all continued walking out of the school parking lot. As they walked, everyone decided to go home for a few minutes to drop their school things off before meeting back up again at the new scary maze attraction. As everyone parted their seperate ways to go home, Hannah and Donnie walked to her house, deciding that Donnie could just leave his things there since they would watch their movie at her house later that same night.

After the two got to her house, dropped their things off, and talked with her parents for a few minutes, the two headed back out again, deciding to walk to their meeting location since it wasn't too far of a walk from Hannah's house. As they walked, Hannah and Donnie held hands, the gesture becoming a regular, natural thing between the couple as their joined hands lightly swung between them as they walked down the sidewalk and were developed in a comfortable silence.

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