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while Ryuusaki and Light were handcuffed together sat next to each other in their chairs . L placed his opisit finger on his lip thinking. Light was studying and L was investigating, he doesnt trust light all to well but thinks off him as someone close to him. its irrational all the same. L never really thought into depth of what he has ever wanted before he dies, he knows it,ll happen since kira was still at large but had no thoughts. He was odly disstracted by light but he also had to know if Light was Kira. He grabed his head and shook as if to rid the thought all most if not completly. light looked over and locked on to ryuusaki. "Ryuusaki are you okay?" he looked over, "Hm, oh yes i'm quite fine." he grabbed he coffee and took a slow relaxing sip. he looked back over at light who was still looking at him, "hmmm, why are you looking at light?" light laughed, "well cant you tell, I know your lying." 

Ryuusakis pov

  i can say i am suprised by this. i never know he would be anylising me to. Although it only makes me more suspisios. "What makes you say this?" i tilled my head onl slightly, "your acting off ryuusaki. should we take a break?" we heared a door slam open, damn its misa. i sighed, "well i guess so." misa ran over here and jumped on light and hugged him, "hiiii lighttt!" i only turned back and grabbed my coffee ignoring her completly, i cant belive she just showed again' of couse she is still a key suspect but does she always have to take light away? I mean he said it was one sided, and i had asked him to be more intamint with her but, i feel.... whats the word. diffrent now i supos. "Hey L come on i wanna go on a date with my light so conme on!" ugh her pathetic wine. i sighed, "yes yes im coming misa." you think she wouldnt be liuke this being the top moddel and all. i stood up as well as light and misa we made our way to another room with cake and a nice couch, we sat down and grabbed my cake munching down, mm this is some good cake i thought to myself. "Why cant you ever leave us alone?" misa. "i told you" i swallowed my bite, "it wouldnt matter if i was or not we have cameras so its better im here watching every move." light laughed and misa got mad. 

L x Light a detectives loveWhere stories live. Discover now