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Ryuusaki pov 

  We fell into the closet ending in the inevitable uncomfortable situation of him on top of me. we both blushed bright red as we both froze up. "Light, what are you doing?" he smiled bashfully "Uh i'm not sure?" could he really like? hmm could be a 75% chance but then where does that leave if he is kira that makes me as good as dead but me rate for falling for him is to bad at least a 88% for me, only one way to find out i suppose. I flipped us over so i was on top so i could take control. "ryuusaki what are you doing, get off and lets go." i pressed my finger to his lip like i usually do to myself but only to light. i felt him trembling under me, i started shaking to. now that i'm here what was my next move? i know what i want from light but would he really leave misa to be with me? All in all we still have kira too, and the possiblity its him is lessing but you can't trust anyone anymore. "Light, given the circumstance i feel the need to tell you something. Yes i think i should say this while we are here like this." I never removed my hand, "I know we have a lot going on and Kira still killing but we work so well together. and i just need to know now before i continue, I still believe you are, and always will, be kira. I don't know where this will put me but i think I've fallen for you." i watched his eyes widden as i froze up, he could kill me and i will never know how he feels i guess if he does it the he doesnt and my detective skills are starting to dullen. and Misa, god what am I ever going to do with her. She is defenently  obsested with him. Then again i belive i am too, but she was more when they were both kira. I placed my hand on his cheek seeing as how we both havent said anything just looked at each other. I don't think this could be good for anyone but i can't not tell him. Us being chained an all only makes sence the i say it now in case he doesn't like me like that and this could help determain if hes kira if i can trust him ill give me real name and we'll kill the real kira. I bent down slowly and brought my face exreamly close, "Light i truly mean what i say, this is not a test ok." i wanted to let him know i'm being real incase anything crossed his mind i wasn't. "Ryuusaki I.." I leaned in and gently placed my lips on hid. Mmm quite soft I... Am... Enjoying this.... I move my lips slightly and at first i suspected that he didn't like it but the fact he was delayed meant he was thinking and increased the chanced of bing kira while also decreasing it.  His lips were so sweet in all of this, don't think i'll need my coffee now hu? He kissed back after a minute and seemed to enjoy this as well, though he was the first to part. Intresting. "What about Misa?"  Damn him, still thinking about misa in all this. I slamed my hands on his chest, "Damn you Light." "Ryuusaki wh-" "Even after all this you still think of that girl why?" A tear drops, Damn him, hes the only one to make me weak. "I think i coud make you happy light, if you only gave me a chance!"    

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