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" Dangit L !  Why do you have to be such a meanie all the time ! " Said Misa crossing her arms. Ryuuzaki kindly ignored her by slowly munching on his chocolate. " C'mon Light just for today ! " Misa said while pulling at Light's arm. " I still have some studying to do. " Light stared at his paper full of math equation's. " Fine. " Light said as he let out a sigh. Misa cheered jumping around everywhere . Ryuuzaki looked annoyed . I wonder how this is going to go...

POV Light

We headed down to a new restaurant a little down the street . I could see Ryuuzaki kept glaring at me as we walked to the restaurant. He was acting so different. Like he was being nervous or something like that. He must be investigating me. " Omg Light i cant believe we going out like this ! Oh and Ryuuzaki try not to get in the way. " Misa said lightly. " Oh i wont... " Said Ryuuzaki. I looked over at Ryuuzaki. And he looked more sad then usual . 

We made it to the restaurant as we took a seat at a table. Ryuuzaki was staring at me . I only saw out of the corner of my eye but i didn't hesitate to say anything. What was his problem today. Or maybe he...likes m-...no. That cant be. I'm an idiot for even thinking that right now. I mean its okay if he has feeling's but.. Ugh I have to stop talking to myself about this. I put my hands in my face looking stressed. " Light is something wrong ? " Said Ryuuzaki. " Yeah Light are you okay ? " Said Misa. " Yeah i'm fine. " Ryuuzaki looked at me. Worried. " Don't worry i'm just thinking about....this equation. " I lied. Ryuuzaki looked at me as if he knew i was lying or something. I looked at him and...it looked like he was blushing. I could be wrong though. " So Light when will we do this again ?? " Said Misa looking as if i was going to say " Everyday " . "That doesn't matter right now " I said while leaning my head on my hand and closing my eyes. " But Light remember i'm still your girlfriend !!! " As Misa was explaining about....dates..i totally ignored her and glared over at Ryuuzaki. He looked mad. Like something Misa said annoyed him to make him have that expression. He didn't say a word. He stayed with that mad face. A waiter with her hair held back in a bun came to our table. " Hello! Would you guys like to eat ! " I asked for glass of tea. "Ill have the same . " Said Ryuuzaki. " Me too ! " Said Misa squinting her eyes at Ryuuzaki. " Of coarse ! " The waiter said as she strutted away . Ryuuzaki looked angrily at Misa.

L x Light a detectives loveWhere stories live. Discover now