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Ryuzakis pov

  I quickly un linked us and darted out of lights arms feeling the impending doom soon to come. My heart was being loud, how could he tell me feeli.gs from emotionless face.. I got to my room garbed some paper and pen running to the roof top since ou ts was quite stormy I thought it could help me cool down. As soon as I got there I wait before I actualy went into the cooling rain an started to write a letter for how I feel about. For if I die and I could never muster up the strength to tell him, or if turned out not to be him and I left. I needed to write this even if he didn't see it.

Light pov

Misa came in to see why ryuzaki dashed away like that, as if he had something important to do all the suden. I mean I know he was upset, "LIGHT! CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" I snap out of thought, "Yeah, sorry" I got up and brushed myself off, my shirt still obviosuly wet. "Why's your shirt wet?" I play stupid, "oh I guess sweat we were fighting prety hard." I started to walk telling misa to not worrie about us, that I would go apolgise and that ryuzaki was most likely just not felling good today. Misa hasn't got her notebook back, and honestly I don't think I'll give it back. I'm still kira at the end of that day and ryuzakis death is inevitable. But, for reason I don't think I can let him die. Something, somethis was telling not to at all. I couldn't quite place when or where I fell for the incredable man, but I now know I have and I need to tell him, or at least get him calm down. I dash all the way to the roof top since it was storming I figured he would end up out here. And there I found the beatuiful man. Listening with his head down in utter dout of himself. "ryuzaki." He turned his head but tilled his head cuping his ear as to say he can't hear me. I shoted a few times giving up only to walk over to him and pull his body tword mine in a hugging motion. I can't stand to see him like this, yet I know he could die. Just like this... In my arms right now... I held myself together tightly holding him in order to help hold myself together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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