Childhood bestie

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Y/N pov
5 years old
I'm playing with my bestie Bruno on the playground at school. He's my favorite person ever!
"Hey Y/N lets go swing on the swings!" Bruno says excited
"Ok!" I say and jump on the swing, I'm a little short so Bruno attempts to help lift me on the swing.
He starts pushing me as high as he can.
"I'm flying!" I say giggling
I jump off the swing and start playing with the plastic shovel on the ground, with Bruno of course.
"Hey Y/N our moms said that we're gonna be together some day." Bruno says
"But We're always together!" I say
"That's what I told my mom!" He says giggling
20 years later

Here I am again running through the streets of the small town in Hawaii I live in.
I'm gonna be late for work again because I slept through my alarm AGAIN.
Maybe I should buy a louder alarm.
I sprint through the crowded street, ugh so many tourists! I finally turn down my road the only locals travel on.
I look down at my watch to check the time and when I do I crash into somebody and spill my coffee all over my shirt.
I gasp at the sudden hotness running down my chest, I feel it burning my skin.
I look up and see a familiar man but I can't figure out how he looks so familiar.
"I'm so so sorry!" He says apologizing
"It's okay it was my fault, I wasn't looking." I say although my skin is burning with hot coffee.
He stares at me for a second and then he slightly grins.
"Y/N?" He asks
I sit here dumbfounded on how he knows my name.
What a minute.. Is it who I think it is?
"Bruno?" I ask
"Present." He smiles at me
"Wow! It's been forever, how's the musician lifestyle? I thought you moved to LA?" I say
"I'm visiting my family and I'm actually releasing my first album in a few days!" He says happily
"That's amazing! I'm glad you followed yours dreams." I say happy for him
"Me to! So what do you do now?" He asks me
"Well I'm going to law school and working at that old bar at the beach for side money." I say which brings me back to my senses."shit I'm late! I'm sorry Bruno! I really would like to catch up, here's my number. Call me later and we can hang out and catch up while your visiting!" I say and hand him my number.
He hands me his number and we say our goodbyes.
I sprint off again and finally make it to work out of breath. My boss is gonna kill me.
"Where the hell have you been?" He asks
"I'm so sorry Mr. Burk, I got caught up this morning and lost time." I say apologizing
He doesn't need to know I slept through my alarm.
"Why's your shirt filthy? Nobody's gonna want to be served in dirty clothes." He says very aggravated
Shit I forgot about my shirt!
"Uh I a-." I start to make up excuses but he cuts me off
"If you can't find a new shirt in 5 minutes your going home." He growls and walks away pissed
Damn he's so mean
I start frantically walking around the bar trying to find another shirt, I'm not gonna have time to go back home.
I'm so gonna get fired.
I look in the cabinet and see if there's anything in the lost and found, I'm desperate right now. I pop my head back up and I see Bruno walking this way.
He holds a blue shirt out and I cannot be more thankful
"You just saved my ass big time, I almost got fired." I say thanking him
"No problem, it just seemed like you wouldn't want to walk around in sticky coffee all day." He chuckles
I switch out shirts quickly and clock in.
"Can I get you a drink or something?" I ask him politely
"Yeah I'll take a rum and coke please." He says pulling out his wallet
"It's on the house." I tell him
He chuckles and lays money on the table, I push it back to him and begin making his drink.
"Y/N don't be silly." He says while sipping on his drink I made
"You bought me a shirt so I bought you a drink, I'm not being silly." I say
He looks at me and giggles shaking his head.
Soon the bar gets a little more crowded so I start steadily making drinks.
Bruno eventually leaves and says that he will text me later.

My shift is eventually over so I begin to walk back home. Ding ding.
I pick my phone up and it's Bruno,
Hey, just wondered if you wanted to swing by once your off your shift.
I smile and reply
Yeah that sounds great! I actually just got off.
He replied with
Great! I'll send you the address.
I begin walking to Bruno house and I arrive just a few minutes later.
I knock on the door and he answers it grinning.
"Come in! Make yourself comfy!" He says gesturing inside.
I does as he says and sits on the couch,
He sits beside me and we begin to catch up on everything.
A few hours later
I didn't realize it's getting dark out, we have been talking for so long.
"Hey Y/N, remember that time when our moms said we would get together when we were little, and we didn't understand it." He says quietly.
I nod
We slowly begin leaning in until our lips meet.
We lock our lips together and it's magical.
He pulls away
"Ive wanted to do that for years." He says breathing heavily
A small smile creeps on my face
"I uh, think it's to dark for you to walk home by yourself." He says grinning as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.
I giggle.
I lean back in to kiss him and I playfully push his chest back and he falls back on the couch with me sitting on top of him as we kiss gently.

We eventually get tired and just cuddle

He holds me in his arms "Bruno, what are we?" I ask"Well Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He ask me I bite my lip and nod"Yes

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He holds me in his arms
"Bruno, what are we?" I ask
"Well Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He ask me
I bite my lip and nod
"Yes." I Say and he's miles and kisses me on the head.
I fell in love with my childhood bestie..

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