Saved - part 2

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"I'm gonna hurt Luke"
Y/N pov
It's been a week since I've seen Luke and I don't ever want to see him again.
Bruno has been closer to me and more protective.
I still have faint bruises on my side and a couple on my arms but they are healing.
Right now me, Bruno, and Phil are In The studio just hanging around.
Bruno is strumming his guitar and Phil is humming along.
I enjoy moments like these.
Not a care in the world, just lost in music. Bruno finishes playing and I smile at him. Everyone is at ease until we hear a loud banging on the door.
"Who the hell?" Bruno mutters standing up.
I follow him and he opens the door.
My breath hitches and I feel paralyzed, like I can't breath or move.
Bruno glances back at me with his fist in a ball, he's angry.
"I came to get Y/N." Luke says as hateful as ever.
I'm still frozen.
"I think you should leave." Bruno says trying to stay calm but I can see his jaw is clenched.
"Last time I checked I was her boyfriend, I can do whatever the hell I wanna do." Luke says
Phil comes walking up.
"Who was it bru?" Phil says then meets eyes with Luke.
Phil looks shocked and then angry.
I finally decide to speak up.
"L-Luke, your not my boyfriend." I stutter scared."I'm not your property."
He looks beyond pissed.
"Hear that? She's not your property, so get out of here." Bruno spits at him
Luke tries to barge into the studio to grab me but Bruno grabbed a hold Luke and Phil backed me up and stood in front of me. Bruno held him against the wall by his shirt.
"Don't you ever try to touch her, you hear me?" Bruno says through gritted teeth.
Luke smirks looking at me while Phil is still guarding me with his body.
Bruno shoves him on the wall harder and luke struggles in pain.
For some reason I still feel paralyzed.
Bruno throws him out the door and Luke stumbles to the ground, Bruno followed him outside and began punching him while he was on the ground.
"Shit." I hear Phil mutter then walk out with Bruno.
He gets a few punches in before Phil pulls him off.
"He's had enough Bruno. Come on man let him go." Phil says prying Bruno off of Luke. Bruno looked at him on ground while breathing heavily.
tears form to my eyes, not because I'm sad about Luke. I'm pissed because I got Bruno and Phil in this mess and I just stood there frozen.
I see Phil whisper something in Brunos ear and he glanced up at me and walked towards me.
"You okay?" He asks
I nod and quickly wipe any unnecessary tear that falls down my face.
He opens his arms and I fall in them without hesitation.
Phil rubs my back.
I really just can't help the tears that are soaking Brunos shirt, why am I even crying?
"Thank you." I say to them.
"You know we're here when you need us." Bruno says still embracing me.
"I'm gonna head back home, I'll see you tomorrow bru." Phil says and I give him a hug and thank him before he leaves.
Me and Bruno walks to the couch in the studio and sit down.
I can't help but to notice his muscles through his shirt right now..
"Seriously, thanks. He probably would've kill me." I chuckle a bit but Bruno doesn't, he just looks at me seriously.
"I won't let that happen." He says and starts leaning in.
I also begin to lean in, I can't help it.
His lips touch mine and fireworks go off everywhere.
He gently pulls me closer and rest his hand on my back, the other hand rest on my cheek.
We pull apart and look into each other eyes.
"I-I'm sorry I-" I start saying but he cuts me off with another kiss.
My hands adventure in his curly hair. We pull apart, again, and i lean my forehead against his.
I sigh and he noticed it.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me.
I just got out of a relationship, if you call it that. I trust Bruno with all my being but what if he changes and turns out like Luke.
I love Bruno to death but am I ready to do this?
He must notice the concern on my face.
"Y/N I won't hurt you, I'm not like other guys. Please give me a chance to show you." Bruno begs.
I nod,"okay I will." I say and his face lights up. He locks his hand with mine and we lean on the couch and snuggled up. He gently caresses what's left of the bruise on my side as he kisses my temple before I fall into a deep, peaceful, sleep..

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