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Y/N pov
I sit at the lunch today at school and wait for my boyfriend Bruno. I get bullied a lot and hit on by guys and Bruno and Phil are the only ones who sticks up for me.
I try to keep my head low so no one sees me but I fail because I feel my butt being slapped.
I whip around and it's a couple of cocky guys. Another one of his friends pass me and they snatch my hair back, making me wince.
"Can you leave me alone?" I whimper
"Hey! Get the hell off her." I hear Bruno say.
Thank god.
One of the guys continue to hold my head back by snatching my hair while the other one approaches Bruno and Phil.
"What you gonna do about it shorty!" The guy says looking over Bruno.
Bruno punches him before the guy even has time to think.
He stumbles back and holds his face.
The guy holding my hair loosens his grip for just a second while he watches the fight.
I throw my head back and hit his forehead with the back of my already throbbing head. He releases his grip and falls backwards.
I turn around and Bruno is already standing in front of me.
Phil makes sure they leave the cafeteria. Bruno turns around and examines me.
"You okay?" He asks with his hands on my shoulder.
I nod.
"Thanks bru." I say and hug him quickly.
Some random kid hands me aspirin for my head and I gladly take it.
"Alright let's eat." I say and start to eat my sandwich.
In the middle of eating I notice my vision is starting to get a bit blurry and my headache is just getting worse.
I don't say anything because I don't want them to worry.
After we eat, we all stand up and I don't get 2 steps in before grabbing a nearby table before almost falling. Bruno and Phil stop walking and look at me concerned.
"You okay?" Bruno asks me placing his hand on my waist.
I try to grab onto him but I start falling from dizziness. Everything is spinning. Bruno holds me up on him and rubs my back.
"We need to get you to the hospital." Bruno says.
I can hear Bruno and Phil talking but I can't understand what they're saying anymore. My surroundings sound muffled.
Then everything goes completely black.


I open my eyes and see white lights, everything starts to come into vision. I try to sit up but get slightly pushed back.
"It's okay, just lay back." I hear a voice say.
I do as I'm told but then I notice something on my nose and mouth.
I start tugging on it but it gets gently lifted off my face.
I look around the room and notice Bruno standing over me holding me hand and a doctor is writing something down.
A nurse hands me a cup of water and I take a sip.
"Hello miss y/l/n it seems you were having some fainting and dizziness problems?" The doctor says
I nod
"Well we did some test, have you taken any medication lately?" He asks me
"I took a aspirin this morning." I say.
"Did you get it from a bottle or did someone give it to you?" He asks
"A kid from school gave it to me because I had a headache." I say.

"You see, when the test results came up, it came up as GHB, which is short for gamma hydroxybutyric. It's a pill guys slip into girls drinks so they'll won't be in there own senses and then pass out. Most guys use it to rape women, ect.. Whoever gave you that pill, it was not a aspirin." The doctor says." Your lucky Bruno was around you when it kicked in, or you could've been in some trouble."
I gasp
I was freaking drugged.
"You can be released now." The doctor says and leaves.
I look up at Bruno and I've never seen him more pissed off.
He helps me out of the bed and into my clothes. He signs me out and we leave the building.
He helps me into the car and shuts the door.
He still looks so pissed.
I gaze out the window while Bruno drives to my house.
He stops the car in my driveway and stares out the window, not saying a word.
"Bru, you okay?" I ask gently touching his arm.
He looks over at me and nods.
"Talk to me." I say.
"I just felt like I could've done something. This kid is going to learn his lesson." He says gritting his teeth.
I rub his shoulder and he calms down a bit.
We get out of the car and Bruno walks me to the house.
I unlock it and throw my keys on the table.
"Where's your parents?" He ask
"Business meeting, they'll be gone all weekend." I say and he nods.
I lie down on the couch. Bruno joins me by spooning me.
I relax in his embrace.
"I love you." I say
"I love you too babe." He says and caresses my arm.

Brunos pov
I called Phil and he said he knew who the kid was so I found his address.
Tahiti is coming over to watch Y/N while me and Phil go to the pricks house. Y/N is asleep right now and that's perfect because she probably wouldn't want me to go but I have to, he hurt my baby.
I leave my sister with her while she's still sleeping and I get in Phils car and we leave.

Y/N pov
I wake up but Brunos not here.
I sit up and notice Tahiti sitting in a chair.
"Tahiti?" I ask
"How was your nap?" She asks
Why does she seem nervous?
"Umm fine, where's Bruno?" I ask
"He had to uh.. Run some errands." She says
"He went to the guys house didn't he?" I ask
She nods with her head Down.
"Damnit." I mutter standing up
"Sit down y/n." She says
"Is Phil with him?" I ask
"Yes he's with him." She says
I know Phil wouldn't let anything get out of hand and he wouldn't let Bruno get hurt.
But I'm still gonna be worried sick until I see him...

Gonna do part 2 later ✌🏼️

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