The safe place.

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(( A/n While reading listen to (early late by: B. P. Valenzuela ))
We where walking to the dock together, slowly I don't get why? he was walking so slow but I didn't really mind. We brought button along and he was pretty happy about it Troye has a liking for button.

I looked over to Troye who was looking over at the trees and sky he looked very into it he was adorable as doing so.

"Jacob do you ever wonder if trees can feel?" He asks looking at me A odd question in my opinion.

"I was told they could as a child, why do you ask?" I ask him he avoided my eyes and looks  and smiles a little but then frowns again.

"Do you think if trees can think they're thinking about trying to find a voice to yell at the kids who pick the bark off of them but can't and feels trapped cause he doesn't have a voice to tell those kids it hurts them. but then a boy comes along and yells at the kids to go away cause he thinks the tree doesn't deserve that pain and thinks that the tree deserves more then the tree thinks "  he finishes and sighs.
what Troye says hits me deep in the heart and makes it physically hurt .

I don't really get where it comes from but it makes me think of Troye in a way I can't pin point yet.

"Troye.." I mumble but he hushed me .

"Just never mind it was stupid" he says and looks over to the dock.

Button pulls me and Troye follows giggling. I try to forget what happened but I can't his words are stuck in my head.

Troye sits down and button sits on his lap I sit beside him wondering.

"I came here so we could talk about.. What happened in the coffee place earlier..I feel the need to tell you Jacob cause this part of me is saying to trust you" he says and it warms my heart that he trusts me. And yes the coffee shop where he felt the need to leave cause of smoke.

"You can trust me Troye" I say sweetly.

"I had a friendship with someone who I shall not name right now but hey hurt me and said bad things to me they smoked and the smell
Brings back bad memories and that's why I felt like leaving, but they have moved far away now and I haven't had anyone at the moment to talk to I saw you on the dock the dock that I've been going to all my life as a kid till now. and to be honest I was hesitant about talking to you but I saw you your dog and you seemed like a sweet person and so I got the guts to talk to you and I was regretting it in my head but now that we've talked I have no regrets and I feel as if will be friends forever" he finishes and gives me a cheeky smile I return one instantly. As he says friends forever I see a glimmer in his eyes but choose to ignore it.

"I'm glad you got the guts" I say smiling still.

"I'm glad I got the guts too.." He mumbles and puts his head on my shoulder which made me flinch but I didn't mind at all we look out into the water together the sun going dow slowly.

"This has been my safe place for many years when my friend fought me I'd come her  to settle my thoughts and gather myself" he says softly.
I saw a tear come down his cheek what type of fights did him and this friend have to make him cry? I was about to ask but I didn't want to upset him anymore then he was.

"Thank you for listening Jacob" he mumbles.

"Anytime" I say. I felt lucky sharing this special place with Troye.
After a while of talking about random stuff we got up and left Troye wanted to walk me home so here we are walking on the side walk together button in Troyes arms
His smile big and happy I guess getting all that stuff off his chest at the dock helped him.
We talked about music together and books together throughout the walk to my house it was late already since we spent every minute at the dock together.

Before we knew it we where at my house

Troye gave me button and smiled but seemed tensed up a little bit.

"See you later Troye" I say smiling I see his face sweating a little he was nervous?

Before I could even get into my house Troye ran up to my pulling my arms gently

"I was..uh wondering if you'd want to go star gazing tomorrow night with me?" He asks his face blushing a little

"That sounds fun I'd love to" I say. He smiles and walks off smiling to himself like a kid.

I was smiling to well until I walked into my house.

"Where the hell where you Jacob you had me worried sick!!" my mother yelled. My smile fades and I become numb on the inside, how can she be worrying where I am but not worry at the fact I haven't eaten in a whole damn day?

"I was out with my friend Troye" I say and walk up to my room button following me.

I get ready for bed brushing my teeth and all that jazz.

I lie in bed looking at the darkness above me thinking about Troye and the tree thing..

I think so deep about it I come up with a theory that hurt to think about.

What if Troye was the trees and his ex-friend was the kids.  Dose that mean I'm the boy?

Damn it's late.

𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜 - 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚋Where stories live. Discover now