Chaper 8:New Beginings~

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Bendy POV ~
*Yawn* what happened last night?? I was so tired yesterday I can't remember...ugh..why do I feel so sick? I turned around and found Cuphead snuggling with me he's so adorable aww he's probably tired from yesterday to I don't want to wake him up. I got up and went to the bathroom and was getting ready and I started to feel weak I fell down  and started to blackout..."Cuphead?..."

Cuphead POV ~
I woke up and heard a sudden thud and saw Bendy on the bathroom floor "Bendy! Are you okay?" No response he was knocked out cold "I'm taking you to the hospital I'm not waiting for something bad to happen you'll be alright ok?" I Rushed out of our room and saw Boris walk by "Cuphead what are you doing with my bro? Is he okay?" Shhhhiiiiiitt what do I say?? "Um your brother is sick so I'm taking him to the hospital?" I ran away "Ok...?"

Sometime Later~

No ones POV ~

Cuphead:Thanks for seeing us doctor..?


Cuphead:Right is Bendy ok?

Me: Yes but i have one question when's the last time you slept together?

Bendy:what do you mean we always sleep together?

Me:*raised eyebrow*

Bendy: *blushs deep * O-Oh!

Cuphead:last night why?



Cuphead:What is it doc?

Me: Well Bendy............Your Pregnant

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