Chapter 20: The Fifth piece~

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Beverly POV ~

Last night Cheerble brought one of the pieces back from the forest when she had her...episode but after that she's been more distant an I'm getting worried. As we're all walking i turn to Cheerble "Hey Cheer? Are you okay?" She avoids eye contact with me but answers "Yeah I'm fine.." I frown knowing she's not telling the truth "Cheer I know when you're lying please tell me what's wrong?" Before we could say anything else Beakah shouts "Guys look we're here!" And we all look to see a building Olivia turns to me "Bev? What is this place?" "I'm not sure but this place looks familiar..." Beakah pulls the map out and we all lean in " It looks like the next piece is here! The ink pot" Connie looks nervous and crosses her arms " I have a bad feeling about this..." we all enter the building and turns on our flashlight and start walking around "This place looks cool!" Becky said as she looks around in awe she's not wrong the place was pretty nice Olivia comes by me " So how do you think our parents are doing since we just kinda left?" "Probably trying to find us and asking every single person in the world..." I say with a smirk Olivia giggles at the comment her smile kinda makes me blush "I mean I barely got to change out of my work outfit!" I continue she laughs even more "Work Outfit? You look like Jessica Rabbit!" "Guilty! But technically it's my work outfit for my shows" she shrugs "I guess you're right " she smiles brightly I look away kinda blushing before I could say anything I see Olivia get hit by the back of her head and passes out and disappear into the dark "OLIVIA!!"
My scream startled everyone and sees that Olivia's gone "Olivia?! Where are you!?!" Frizzy shouts into the dark then we hear a voice out of nowhere "  Sheep Sheep Sheep It's time for sleep....Don't worry my little Sheeps the show will begin soon..." Then spotlights turn on and we all are forced into these chairs and I see a man with overalls a inky body and what looks to a mask that looks like Mom? "Nice of you too drop in kids my name is Sammy Lawrence"
I look behind him and see Olivia in a cage unconscious Oliver wiggles in his seat trying to get out "Let us go you weirdo!" Oliver shouts Claire joins in "Yeah let us go!" Sammy draws his attention to me and approaches "And who might you be?~" he asked as he leans toward me "Beverly Devil " I said nervously as I lean back from Sammy.
Sammy look confused of what I said "Devil? You look nothing like a devil you look more like an angel ~" I avoid eye contact from the weird complement "Thank you but My last name is Devil from my Mom..." Sammy looks puzzled again and looks around and sees Donna,Becky,Beckah,Claire, and Cheerble then looks at me surprised " Are you family? Then that means!... You're M'lords kids..." "My Lord?" I asked puzzled "Yes The great lord Bendy! He is our savior! I so sorry for the rude introduction M'Lady!" I looked away awkwardly " it's alright but can you let us and my friend go?" Sammy frowns "I'm afraid I cannot do that M'Lady I need your friend for a sacrifice but then I can let you go-" "Please! Don't! I'll do anything just don't hurt her!" I swallow regretting what I as Sammy unties me and leads me to the stage "There is something you could do for me ~ Answer some questions correctly and I'll let your friend go....But if you fail then you shall stay with me forever as my mistress ~" I froze......his mistress?!? I already love someone....but if I don't they'll also be sacrificed " Okay Fine I'll do it...." Sammy smiles and kisses my hand "Good Choice M'Lady~" I fake smile back and see that Olivia is awake Staring at me terrified Sammy walks to a podium and gives me a microphone "Alright Let's start! Question 1# " What is your career at the moment? " I lean into the microphone " Um...Singing?" Sammy perks up " Really?! Singing!? I'm surprised....Can you sing for me if you do I'll give you this ~" Sammy holds a ink pot that looks like the one on the map "Okay but only if you let my family go at least " Sammy sighs but unties everyone but they have to stay in there seat "Done now when you're ready ~" I tried to think of a song then I jolt up " Sammy could my sister Claire come up and play the piano Please?~" "Of Course M'Lady~" Claire runs up to me I whisper her the song and she nods and runs to the piano and starts playing a catchy tune and I start singing.

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