Chaper 11:Growing Up~

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Bendys POV ~

I can't believe how big the kids are! I mean Donna is now 5 and the twins are 4 like how did the time go by so fast?!? (Probably cause the writers lazy lol) but I can't remember how long me and Cuppy had a time alone together..maybe we should have a date night soon.. but who would watch the kids? Oh! I know *grabs phone* "Hello? Hey it's me bendy! I was wondering if you too can watch the kids? You will!?! Oh thx! Come around 7:30! Okay see ya!" This is great! I'll go tell Cup and get ready!

Know ones POV ~

*Knocks door*

Cuphead:*Opens door* Oh hey! Darla and Delila!

Both:Hey Cup!

Bendy:Oh good! Your here! The kids are in the living room we got to go call us if you need anything!



Cuphead:see ya later! *close door *

*Walks into room *

Delila:Hey guys where your babysitters!

Cindy:Were not baby's!


Darla:that just means we're watching you while your parents are gone!

Donna:Where are they?

Delila:There at a restaurant they'll be home soon ok?


Sometime later ~

Cindy:Hey! Donna! How do you do the laser thing dad does?

Donna:Um Mommy said that I'm too young to practice yet..

Mocha:aww come on please?

Donna:well ok..*shots laser and breaks windows*

All:Uh oh....

Cindy:were in big trouble..

Somewhere with bendy and Cuphead ~

Cuphead:well that was nice!

Bendy:yeah..we've haven't had a chance to be just the two of us...

Cuphead:Hey it's okay if you want we can do it again sometime!



Bendy:I love you *wraps arms around cup and kisses him*

Cuphead:*kisses back and starts to deepen the kiss*

Bendy:*starts to give in and starts moaning*

Cuphead:*gives a sly smirk and breaks the kiss * let's go home okay?

Bendy:Y-Yeah! Let's go!

Back to the kids ~

Mocha:Quick! Hide it! Before mom and dad get home!

Donna:Cindy! Can't you make things floating around?


Donna:so do it!

Cindy:Okay Geez! *points finger and takes glass from the ground and puts back in place *

Mocha:Whew! That was close!

*Hears door opening from downstairs *

Donna:There back quick get in bed!

*rushs too beds and pretends to sleep *

Bendy:Were back!

Cuphead:What's that sound?

*looks and see both Darla and Delila sleeping on the couch *

Bendy:we should let them sleep..

Cuphead:want to check on the kids?

Bendy:Why not?

*creaks door open and peaks in the room *

Bendy:aww there's so cute!! *closes door *

Cuphead:*picks up Bendy bridal style* now you go bed~

Bendy:*blushs* Cup! Put me down!!

Cuphead:Nope! *grinds*


*Goes in bedroom and does things •_•*

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