Chapter 16:The First Piece~

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Oliver POV ~
We make are way down the road to find the first piece and everyone already starting to get hungry....and I'm kinda hungry...

Cusy:Oli! I'm hungry!

Oliver: I know Cusy..idk when's the next building from here...

Maggie:Don't you worry about a thing! I'm prepared!


Maggie: I brought my cooking supplies! So I can make lunch!

Claire: I think we can make camp it's getting late...

So everyone got there tents up and Maggie started pulling out all these BBQ stuff  I asked how she carried all of that Cheerble just said to go with it but that reminded me

Oliver:Hey Cheer?


Oliver: how come you never told me about your illness?

Cheerble:I...I was scared at the time and didn't know how to go about it..I'm sorry I should of told you....

Oliver:*pulls arm around her in to a hug * it's fine I'm mad..just please tell me this kind of stuff next time... you really worried me..

Cheerble:Okay... Thanks Oliver...

Oliver:No problem sis...

Maggie:Alright! Lunch is ready!

We all leave our tents and set up a blanket on the ground and Maggie and I set the food down I'm surprise of how much food she made there hot dogs, hamburgers, it's like BBQ heaven!

Oliver:Wow! Mags! This looks amazing!

Maggie:*blushs* hehe! It's nothing! Let's dig in!

Everyone sits and starts to grab food but all of a sudden....


Beverly:What's wrong Cusy?

Cusy:We have to say grace!

*Frizzy leans over*


Oliver:We just have to say a couple grateful words before we eat


We all bowed are head and hold hands I opened one eye and see that frizzy was holding beakah hand and was blushing crazy but then I realized that I was holding Maggie hands both of us our blushing crazy but I snapped out of it and heard Cusy

Cusy: thank you god for blessing us with this food! Oh! And please take care mommy for us and make sure daddy's okay!


We all started to eat and it so delicious!!! But then I realized something but I don't know what...


Maggie:what's wrong?

Oliver:....We forgot about Dad.

Cuphead POV ~


Luma: idk what happened to them I told them to stay here while we drive bendy to the hospital! Then when I come back there gone!

Cuphead:*Sigh* try to asked anybody in the neighborhood if they saw them I mean who would miss 11 kids walking around!?!.....I'm a horrible dad...

Luma: cup this isn't your fault okay? I'll look around and see if there here



I sighed and lean against the wall worrying about them when my phone rings again

Cuphead: hello?

Mugman:Hey cup it me!

Cuphead: oh hey bro what's up?

Mugman:W-Well...*Boris cuts him off * MY BABYS GONE!!!

Cuphead:What!?! Maggie too!?!

Mugman:Wait your kids our gone too!?! Even Mickey called Boris and told him that oddswalds and Felix kids our gone!

Cuphead:So all of our kids our gone!?!

Mugman:Yeah! But Felix also said that the old map from the quest is gone too!

Cuphead:oh no....


Cuphead:Mugs! Get everyone over here right now!

Mugman:Alright see you then!


Cheerble POV ~

Everyone has finished there food that Maggie made and we all started to get settled for bed when I noticed something in the bushes...Moving I walked up to it and looked to see what in it when all of a sudden it jumped at me

Know ones POV ~


*All run to Cheerble*

Olivia:What's wrong!?!

Everyone notice that Cheerble was on the ground giggling and sees small dog on her licking her face

Cusy:*Gasp* Puppy!

Claire:Where it come from?

Connie: *shrugs shoulders* don't know don't care

Becky:Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine...

Cusy:It so cute!! Can we keep it? Pleaaaaaase?

Cheerble: I don't see why not?

Cusy: Yay!

Beakah:Hang on what's that around its neck?

The dog looks like it wearing a collar with a tiny record disk

Cheerble:that's weird it has a collar but no name on it

Cusy:*hugs dog* I'm gonna name it Melody!

Cheerble: that's perfect!

As Cusy hugs the dog the collar disk starts to glow and rips off the collar and starts to grow bigger and falls into Olivers hands

Frizzy:No way!

Beakah:It''s....'s the first piece to the ink machine

Woo! Man I'm tired! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you like it ! Until next time bye!

Woo! Man I'm tired! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you like it ! Until next time bye!

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And Merry Christmas!!!

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