Rebel 1

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Brown eyes stared at multiple figures of people slowly standing up and fixing their things before leaving. It was yet another student council meeting and all what they've discussed made her a bit dizzy.

As soon as everyone had left, she stretched her arms and massaged her shoulders; sitting appropriately got out of her mind due to the tiredness she felt. She then slowly stood up and cleaned every mess that's on top of the table before fixing her bag and left the student council room. She just wanted to go home and sleep on her oh so comfortable bed.


Her heeled school shoes made a clicking sound as it collided with the tiled floor of the school halls, and it echoed on every corner. It was already 5:00 p.m. EunByeol didn't plan on going home at this time, if it weren't for those stupid teachers passing their work to her. It was all projects on different subjects that she has to check, and explaining took a really long time.

Upon reaching the first floor, her ears perked up slightly, hearing noise not far from where she is standing. "An intruder?" She muttered to herself, and decided to find out who this intruder was. They need to be trained more next time, they're horrible at intruding places.

When she got closer to the source of sound, only then she realized, it belonged to both genders: A male and a female. It brought a smile to her lips. If what she's thinking ever is true, then she has already thought what she's going to do. The nearer she got, the clearer she heard the noises. She thought it was intruders speaking loudly to each other, but no, they were actually moans and groans.

Standing in front of a first-year classroom, she tried to endure the lewd noises being heard even from outside the room. And with closed doors at that.

With heavy breaths, she sighed in a rather annoyed tone and forcefully slid open the classroom door. She knew something broke in the door and the sound of it falling even made a loud sound, but she could care less. EunByeol instead stared at the two first-years in front of her, having - just like what she has been thinking - sexual intercourse. The two stared at her wide-eyed in return, and it took a long moment of realization for them before pushing each other off and frustratingly putting on their clothes.

"M-miss EunByeol, w-we can explain..." the girl said with a terrified voice, her head hung low as her lover was soothing her back and kissing her forehead.

EunByeol crossed her arms under her chest and examined both the girl and boy. At such a young age, they decide to do something like this? She motioned for them both to follow her, and she left without saying anything.

Not far from behind the tall girl, she heard whimpers. The girl was trying hard not to sob out loud, and it was evident in her actions that she's scared of what's about to happen.

Her walking pace got faster as she saw the door of the student council room. She doesn't care if they don't catch up, she just wants to go inside the room and sit on the comfortable swivel chair that was there. She has been walking and standing here and there- and if she didn't rest her legs, soon she will collapse on the cold floor.

"Name, both of you?" She seated herself and stared at the two person in front of her, while massaging her legs a little. EunByeol didn't really like heeled shoes, but her mother had suggested it and her friend butted in, saying that it complemented her slim, smooth legs. She had no choice but to agree.

She had been looking at the first-year girl in front of her the whole time. Seeing as she couldn't speak, her gaze turned to the male. "I-I'm Yoon SeungJi and she is Park ShinAh..." He visibly flinched under her gaze and the president only nodded her head.

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