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Hahaha, hi kids I'm Barney this unrealistic dinosaur! Wanna go play? Haha maybe I'll get lucky! 

NO! NO! NO! Kids should not be following around a dinosaur. That's just messed up. This is obviously not a real dinosaur. If the dinosaur theory is correct, ALL dinosaurs are extinct! Or maybe Barney has a time machine. Umm...probably not. This is probably just a pedophile. ALERT! ALERT! STRANGER DANGER! 

These kids who hang around Barney are most likely smoking crack I mean DON'T YOU SEE THE DANGER OF HANGING AROUND AN OLD MAN IN A DINOSAUR COSTUME! Like they must be super high. Wow, what have your parents been up to that they couldn't of had 5 freaking minutes to tell you about stranger danger. I don't even want to think about that. Never mind. 

What does he mean by "Wanna go play?" Let's go have lots of fun in a bed? (wink, wink). 

To think that I used to get out of bed on a Saturday morning at 8:00 turn on the TV and watch Barney. Eww I was messed up! I am so thankful everyday that Barney doesn't air on TV anymore.

For example if Barney was on my street I would immediately grab my phone and call 911 saying there was a drunk/high pedophile on my street dressed as a dinosaur. 1 minute later there would be 50 police cars and 10 police dogs surrounding my street because Barney was a most wanted criminal. 

And what's with his hips! Like those things are big. Wow! And he's a boy! Boys are NOT supposed to have big..correction HUGE hips. Unless he's many questions. 

Is it just me or does Barney look like the joker, and constipated? 

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