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The next couple of weeks were uneventful. I continued my routine of hanging out with the boys and attending their practices and games. Luke and I talked sometimes, but not like we did after the first game of the season. As I got ready for Ashton's annual Halloween party, I was secretly hoping things would change.

Ashton threw a huge Halloween party for the team every year. A lot of kids from school showed up, and everyone was always in an interesting costume. This year, I decided to be a Pink Lady from the movie Grease. I knew it was kind of lame, but you weren't going to see me dressed in a slutty costume or a childish one like a Disney princess or something, so my options were limited. I tied my brown curls in a loose ponytail with a pink ribbon. The tips of my hair were dyed pink, a result of Michael's last hair dying adventure. I wore black leggings, white sneakers, a white tank top, and a pink costume jacket I bought online with the words Pink Ladies written in black on the back. A pink ribbon similar to the one in my hair was tied around my neck. I applied light makeup and then I was ready to go. I walked the couple of blocks between my house and Ashton's and knocked on his door, which he answered. He was dressed in an 80's glam rock costume, complete with a giant wig.

"Maddie! Nice costume!" Ashton said.

"Same to you Ash. Very rock n' roll."

Ashton smiled, obviously proud of his costume. He stepped aside so I could walk into the house. The party was in full swing; people crowded in Ashton's living room with loud music blasting throughout the house. The guys were in costumes ranging from rockstars to zombies while the girls were mostly dressed as cats. I wasn't surprised. I walked into the kitchen to get myself a drink where I saw Michael. He was dressed as a sumo wrestler, which made me laugh. He waddled over to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Maddie! Sweet costume."

I was still laughing at Michael's costume so I took a second to answer. "Same to you, Mikey. Sumo wrestler, very original."

Michael nodded and left with his drink. Calum came in after him. He was dressed as a fireman.

"Maddie! You're finally here!"

Calum had a habit of showing up to Ashton's parties way before they actually started so he had probably been here for hours. "Yep! Nice costume Cal."

Calum looked himself up and down and smiled. "I know, right? Girls love firefighters."

I rolled my eyes as I poured myself some soda. "Yes, they do."

We left the kitchen and made our way into the living room. I saw Ashton standing in the corner talking to a tall blonde girl, who I recognized as Olivia, the girl from the boys' math class who Michael said was checking him out. I guess Calum was either rejected by her or he just didn't ask her out. The latter seemed more likely. Ashton looked over and saw me. He mouthed the word "help" to me which made me laugh. I began walking over there to help him out when I bumped into Luke. He was dressed as a very realistic zombie, with tattered clothes and makeup.

"Hey Luke. Nice coustume."

"Thanks." he said. "I was expecting you to wear a more sexy costume, like a cat or a nurse or something. You know, as a way of showing me you're attracted to me, because it's obvious you are." he had a smirk on his face.

"You're never gonna let this go, are you?"


"You know, I was expecting a different costume from you too."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I figured you'd do something more nerdy like Captain America or Batman or something."

"Nah, I save those for when I go to Comic Con. Gotta impress the judges at the costume contest, you know?"

"Ha ha, very funny."

"I always am."

"You're getting cocky again."

"I can't help it Mads, I'm the total package."

I rolled my eyes and looked over to the corner where Ashton had been standing. Calum had taken his place and was now talking to Olivia. I looked back at Luke who was taking a sip of his drink. We stood there for a few minutes, just listening to the music.

"This party is kinda lame." he said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I love Ashton but this really isn't my crowd."

"Mine neither."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Really? But this is your hockey team."

"Yeah but I only really hang out with Ash, Cal, and Michael. I may be a pretty face but I'm still new here."

I nodded. "Right. Well, do you wanna get out of here? This music is giving me a headache."

Luke seemed just as surprised as I was that I asked him that. "Uh...yeah...sure."

We put our drinks down and made our way towards the front door and outside undected. I walked across Ashton's front porch and sat on the swing he had in front of his house. Luke sat down next to me.

"I didn't realize this was what you meant by 'do you wanna get out of here'."

"What did you think I meant? Luke Hemmings, I am not that kind of girl!" I said, pretending to be offended. "If that was what you wanted, you should've gone to one of the many girls in the cat costumes. I'm sure they would love to 'get out of here'."

Luke laughed. "No, I'm fine here." he paused for a second before adding, "I'm still exhausted from my wild night last night anyway."

"Of course you are, because you're 'the total package'." I made quotation marks in the air like he had done to me weeks before.

"See, you're finally realizing it!"

"What can I say, you're growing on me."

Luke smiled. "Yeah, you're growing on me too, I guess."

Then, Ashton came outside, ruining the little moment Luke and I were sharing.

"There you guys are!" he said. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Luke and I laughed in unison, which came out kind of awkwardly. "Of course not." I said.

"Oh okay. Well are you guys gonna come back in then?"

"I think I'm gonna go home actually." I said, getting up from the swing. "I have a huge test tomorrow so I shouldn't stay out too late, you know?"

Ashton nodded. "I understand. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Of course. At lunch as always."

I walked down the front steps, while Ashton and Luke headed back into the party. I was almost down the front path when I heard someone call my name. It was Luke.

"Hey Mads!"


"You look good tonight."

Thankfully it was dark outside so Luke couldn't see the blush that swept across my face. "Thanks."

Luke went inside the house. I walked down the front path and headed home.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I hope y'all are liking the story so far! I just wanted to say hi and ask you to give me your feedback by commenting and voting and all that good stuff so yeah vote and comment :)

also you can follow me on twitter my user is @Iovesicksam (the L is an i)

okay that's it

I hope you like my story

I love you all

okay bye

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