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I dropped my purse and ran over to my mother, who was sobbing uncontrollably. I sat down in the chair next to hers and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, what's going on?"

My mom looked up at me, her eyes bloodshot from crying and her makeup running down her face. "Oh, Madelyn sweetie I don't want you to see me like this. It's nothing, I promise."

I was becoming fed up with my parents lying to me, saying that everything was fine when it clearly wasn't. "Mom, this isn't nothing. You're sitting here alone, crying, on Valentine's Day, with an unfinished dinner in front of you."

My mom let out a light chuckle and used her napkin to dab her tears away. "Your father and I just got into a bit of a disagreement and he needed to get some air."

I knew that was the most information I was going to get out of her, so I didn't pry. I let out an exasperated sigh, "Okay. Well can I do anything?"

My mom shook her head. "No, honey. Just go to your room, I'll be fine."


As I got up from my chair, my mom grabbed my hands. "I love you Madelyn."

"I love you too, Mom."

I went upstairs to my room and changed out of my dress and into my pajamas. I checked my phone and there was a text from Luke: listening to my CD. I love it :)

The songs I chose were similar to the ones Luke had chosen for me, which explained why he liked it. I replied: like you said I have a killer taste in music ;)

this is true :)

As I continued to text with Luke, I heard my front door open. It was most likely my dad, returning from wherever he went to "get some air" after fighting with my mom. My assumption was proven correct when the sound of my parents raised voices began echoing throughout the house. I put in my headphones in order to drown them out. It was my turn to reply to Luke so I said: I'm gonna go to sleep. My parents are fighting and I don't wanna hear them.

Luke answered quickly. Is everything okay? Should I come over or something?

I smiled. Luke was a sensitive, sweet guy, and I was one of the few peope who saw that side of him. I'll be okay, I have your playlist on and I'll just sleep through it.

Okay, just let me know if you need me.

I will.

Goodnight babe.


I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


"Are you sure?"

I was sitting with Luke at lunch, talking to him about what we were going to do after school.

"Yes, Mads, I'm sure. It's my uncle's birthday party and my mom will kill me if I miss it."

I looked down at our hands, my finger tracing small patterns in Luke's palm. "Fine, I guess I'll find someone else to hang out with."

Lunch ended and Luke and I went to calculus. Class went by quickly, and then we parted ways. After school, I returned to an empty house, which I was grateful for. Both of my parents were still at work, which meant I had a few minutes of peace. I tried to come up with a plan for tonight, so that way when my parents did come home, I had a way to escape their constant arguing. I took out my phone and called Ashton. He answered after a couple of rings.

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