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I pulled the covers over my head as sunlight began to creep in from Luke's bedroom window. I had no idea what time it was, but I was in no mood to get out of Luke's bed. I rolled onto my other side, in order to avoid the growing brightness of the daylight, and looked down at Luke, who was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful; he was wrapped up in the blankets, similar to the way I was, his blonde hair strewn across the pillow and his face, and his eyelids occasionally fluttered like he was in a deep dream. Smiling, I rested my head on my hand and watched Luke sleep as my eyes began to feel heavy again. A few minutes later I woke up again and saw Luke staring up at me, doing the same thing as I had done earlier.

"Good morning, sunshine." Luke said in a raspy voice. 

I laughed as I pushed strands of hair away from my face. "Morning."

"Move over." Luke said.

Luke stood up on his makeshift mattress as I moved towards the other side of his bed. He walked over, lifted the covers and moved under them. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. He was warm, wearing an old shirt and sweatpants, he had more layers on than I did, which helped heat me up. I layed my head on his chest. I could hear his heart rate increasing. He looked down at me and moved my hair away from my forehead and kissed it. 

"I've wanted to do this since last night."

I looked up at him, slightly confused. "What? Cuddle?"

Luke chuckled. His breath was hot on the top of my head. "I guess you could call it that."

"This is all you wanted? I figured you would want more than just a cuddle."

Luke looked into my eyes. "Mads, we've been together for almost two months. That stuff will come when we're ready. To be honest, just being with you, even in the simplest way, makes me the happiest guy on the planet."

I smiled and leaned my head upwards towards Luke's. He brought his hand to my face in order to bring my lips to his. Our lips brushed softly at first, but then with more force. Luke's hand moved from my face and down my back. He pulled me even closer to him until I decided to move on top of him. Our kisses grew deeper. His tongue found its way into my mouth and I reciprocated. This felt so natural; me and Luke, together, and there was nothing else that mattered in the world. Everything else seemed to just melt away. We pulled apart, breathing heavily.

"I forgot you weren't wearing pants." Luke said after a few seconds.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I bet you're rethinking that 'I just wanna cuddle' speech right about now."

"I really am."

 "Well too bad. No take-backs."

Luke pouted, making a face that was almost too cute to resist. "But..."

I put my finger over his mouth. "No."

Luke sighed, obviously not awake enough yet to argue with me. "Fine."

Our conversation was interruped by Liz calling from downstairs that she had made breakfast. I climbed off of Luke and out of his bed and walked over to where my stuff was. I checked my phone; still no texts or calls from my mom, which could've been good or bad but I couldn't tell. I put on my jeans from the night before and grabbed one of Luke's sweaters from his drawer. Like the shirt, it was quite large on me but I didn't mind. I threw my hair in a bun and waited for Luke to change. He came back in the room, wearing a tank top and his usual black skinny jeans.

"You're not cold?" I asked, looking confusedly at his lack of sleeves.

Luke shrugged. "What can I say, baby, I'm a hot-blooded male."

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