Chapter 5: Story Time

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Delfina finally took a look around the courtyard. Surrounding the courtyard stood the walls of the castle. In the middle stood a tree surrounded by water. Only a few animals ran around because they could sense that the people who inhabited the castle were dangerous.

Alec sat down on a bench near the water and patted the seat next to him. "Come sit." Delfina sat next to him, although she wasn't fully comfortable being near him yet.

"Why don't we get to know each other? I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me."

This guy is obsessed with me, Delfina thought. "Fine, but don't expect me to tell you everything about me."

"Okay then. You can go first."

"I don't remember much from when I was a small child. I know that I was born in Volterra and we lived here. My parents were going on a trip around Europe when I was a few months old and they brought me along with them. Their first stop was Rome and their second was Vienna. They stayed in each location for four days. While they were in Vienna; they disappeared and they left me there. It's like they vanished into thin air. My father's sister, who married rich, identified me, brought me back to Volterra, and placed me into the orphanage. She didn't want me, no one ever wanted me."

"But we want you."

"But I don't want to be here."

Alec didn't have a response. He thought about how it felt to be unwanted, but he couldn't remember a time when that happened. Everyone in the Volturi wanted him and his sister.

"Anyways, I was placed into an all girls orphanage. The woman who ran the ophanage, Miss Abrielle, favored girls. Three of her favorites were Beatrice, Emilia, and Verona. I always hated the three of them, especially Beatrice. She was what you would call the bully of the orphanage. Just like cliche stories, Beatrice, Emilia, and Verona were friends and they would mistreat the other orphan girls. Miss Abrielle loved the three of them because they had the correct answer to every question, the prettiest faces, and they could sing like angels. I was able to mock their abilities, but they still overshadowed me."

"I had one friend. No, not friend. She was just another girl who was mistreated and we would get along. She was the girl who I would partner up with during projects and played sports with."

Delfina took in an unneeded deep breath. "That's all I have to tell you."

Alec didn't want to comfort her because he knew she didn't want any sympathy. He knew she didn't even want to be here at all.

"To start off, I was born sometime during the ninth century. I can't remember the exact year because time doesn't matter to me anymore. I have an eternity."

"As you know, I have an older twin sister named Jane. My father was a soldier. Aro has been interested in us since we were little toddlers because we seemed to have 'physic abilities.' He couldn't change us then due to the immortal children rule. Whenever someone was unkind to our family, bad luck would follow them. Whenever someone was kind to our family, something good would happen to them."

"When we were thirteen years old, some people had found us too frightening. They claimed we were witches and they were going to burn us to the stake. That was ridiculous, we were only children, not witches. Who fears children?"

"What happened?" Delfina asked. You and Jane are still here, so you clearly weren't killed."

"Be patient and listen to the rest of the story."

"As I was saying, Aro discovered that we were going to be burnt, and he arrived at the last second to stop the execution. Jane and I were grateful that he saved us and we were turned into vampires."

"Probably a decade after our turning, we battled the Romanian coven and we destroyed mostly all of them. That's when we were seen as a huge threat to the vampire world, that's why many vampires fear us."

"Who are the Romanians?"

"The Romanians were the first leaders of the vampire world," Alec answered. "We destroyed them and we became the leaders. Aro, Caius, and Marcus are seen as the kings of the vampires."


Delfina and Alec spent another few hours outside. After they told each other about themselves, they walked around the garden.

"Look what I found." Delfina snaps her head back to see where Alec is heading to. He bends down to a bush and picks up a bunny. "Didn't you mention you loved bunnies and rabbits?"

"Yes, I did," Delfina races over. "And this one is adorable."

She took the bunny from Alec and cradled it into her arms. "I think this one is a girl."

"What are you going to name her?"

"Hmm," Delfina thought for a short while. "Bambina."

"Bambina? But that's baby girl. This is simply a bunny."

"But it's my baby bunny."

"Very well." Alec looks up and sees that nighttime is arriving. "I think it's time for us to go."

"I think so too." Surprisingly, Delfina enjoyed her time with Alec. She learned a bit about him, but she still didn't like him or consider him as a friend. It was hard to find friends when she's never really had one.

At that, they said their goodbyes and Delfina walked towards the tower to her bedroom.


"Eleazar needs to be brought here immediately," Alec told Aro when he saw him in the hallway. "She's desperate to find out if she has any gifts."

"I'm right in front of you, Alec. He's coming here tomorrow morning. If she can wait a week, she can wait another few hours."


(A/N) I guess I'm going to write an author's note every chapter. Hurricane Irma might hit where I live, so if it does, I might not update for some time. Wish me luck. If you enjoyed the story, please comment, vote, and add to your library. Thanks!

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