Chapter 7: Familiar Faces

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Delfina was rearranging her closet. She had finished most of the books in her room; the rest of them were in Latin or Greek. Light crept into her room and hit her skin, making it sparkle like beautiful diamonds.

"I think he likes you more than just a friend." Those words replayed in her head countless times for the past few hours. Delfina brushed Jane off, but she couldn't help but wonder what Alec truly thought of her. It wasn't like she even cared about him.

Looking in the mirror, Delfina placed a knee length dress over her body. I think I would look okay in this, she thought.

She changed into the dress and someone opened the door behind her.

"You look beautiful." Sulpicia said once Delfina turned around to face her.

"Thanks Sulpicia."

"You don't have to call me that. You can call me mom or mother."

"I'm not comfortable with that yet."

"Of course," Sulpicia nodded her head, understanding why Delfina was still very reluctant. If she was taken against her will, she wouldn't be comfortable either. "What did you get dressed for?"

"I'm going to the market."

"That isn't a good idea. Athenodora and I rarely leave the tower; you shouldn't leave either."

"Don't worry, I'll be really careful and I won't do anything stupid." Delfina attempted to convince Sulpicia.

"Very well then. Aro won't be jumping for joy if he finds out."

"You know I don't care what he thinks." Delfina replied and walked past Sulpicia.


Delfina leisurely walked through the market and took in the scent of baked goods. Oh how I wish I could have some, Delfina thought, but she couldn't consume any human food anymore.

She walked up to a little stand that had a stack of books and picked up a thick one about mythological creatures. She decided to buy it because she wanted to know more about other mythological creatures. Delfina had asked Sulpicia if mermaids and dragons existed, but she didn't know.

The only good thing about being a part of a royal vampire coven was the endless amount of money she now had. She carried a decent amount of cash on her and thought about buying a hand crafted piece of jewelry. The elegant jewelry back at the castle was enough to satisfy a young girl, but diamonds, rubies, and sapphires weren't really Delfina's thing. She wasn't used to having such a luxury.

As Delfina observed a blue bracelet that obviously was too big for her wrist, she heard a familiar voice.

"Oh look who it is," Beatrice snarled and Delfina turned around to face her. Delfina looked like a normal human being to Beatrice because Delfina had mocked the "ability" to be a human. Her skin didn't sparkle in the sunlight and she looked like an ordinary teenage girl.

"What do you want?" Delfina sighed at Beatrice, wishing that the arrogant girl would leave mind her own business and leave her be. "I haven't seen you at the orphanage. Where did you go?" Beatrice asked at her with a fake look of concern on her face. "Actually, I don't care and no one does either. Miss Abrielle didn't even notice you were gone."

Beatrice's words had struck Delfina hard. It's not like she cared for Miss Abrielle or anyone back at the orphanage, but it sucked knowing that no one cares about you. "For your information I was adopted."

Delfina swore she saw a jealous look on Beatrice's face, but it quickly turned into confusion. Beatrice's little posse, Emilia and Verona, heard what Delfina had said and that caught their attention as well. "Who would want to adopt you of all people?"

"It's not like you're very desirable either," Delfina huffed, not answering the other girl's question. "It was nice seeing you." And with her sarcastic remark, she stormed back to the castle.


Delfina stormed through the halls, moving faster than the speed of light. Just as she was about to turn to a corner, she bumped into Alec. "Why are you so upset?" He asked with visible concern in his eye.

Delfina ignored his question and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm before she could go any further. "What's wrong?"

"Why would you care?" She hissed angrily at him. She needs to take anger management classes, Alec thought. "Because... because," he stumbled to while talking, not being able to string the right words together. "Because I like you Delfina."

Her expression and her flaring eyes softened. "So it is true." She said, looking down at the ground as if the floor had the answer for the question she was about to ask. "Why? I've hardly been here for a month."

"Look, I'm sure you're not very fond of being here; the whole eating humans thing and being pressured by Aro for ability lessons. I know your life back at the orphanage sucked, but I'm sure it's better here. We want you here."

"But I still don't want to be here."

"I understand, but you have to adjust to this new life anyways."

"And the answer to my question?"

Alec sighed and looked at Delfina's beautiful face. She's even more flawless than a Michelangelo sculpture, Alec thought smiling at the beautiful vampire in front of him. Delfina raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for an answer. "It can get really lonely here, having no one my age to talk to, well except for Jane. I'm tired of the only entertainment being listening to stories and having occasional confrontations."

Alec paused and continued, "When you came here, that made me so happy; having a vampire my age. And you're a great companion." Alec smiled for what seemed like the thousandth time and surprisingly, the blonde haired girl smiled back at him. "And you're really pretty."

Delfina blushed. Those words were honestly the nicest words that anyone had ever said about her. That made her like Alec so much more and also it made her realize that maybe being part of a royal vampire coven wasn't the worst thing in existence.


(A/N) Hello everyone! It's been a while since I updated this story and I'm so sorry for the wait. At the time that I published the last chapter, something bad had happened and it wasn't the best time to be writing a Twilight fanfiction. Life got pretty busy after that and to be completely honest, I lost interest in writing this. After I published my Hunger Games fanfiction (please be sure to check that one out), I remembered this story and I decided to continue this. Thank you for reading and for being so patient! Please be sure to vote, comment, and add this story to your library! Thanks again!

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