Chapter Fourteen: Moving Day

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One year later.

Today was the day, Hudson and I left our little apartment and moved into our dream house. We decided to sell our apartment off to Everleigh, and she could live there with her five children and her new fiancée. She had her fifth child, which happened to be a little girl, on January 17th. She named the baby Ava Elizabeth Young-Brown. She decided to name her Ava because my name was Eva, and after all I had done for her, she wanted to name her something special. The middle name came from my mothers middle name. Xavier didn't mind that Everleigh had all these children, he actually loved all of them. He asked Everleigh to marry him at Christmas, it was a beautiful proposal.
Hudson and I had been working on our home for the whole year. We got to design it completely all the way through. It was amazing. We built it on a big lot in the heart of Gatlinburg, which actually happened to be the same lot my Great Grandparents had owned many years ago, at least that's what Grandma & Grandpa Sinison told us.
We made sure our home had all the right qualities. Today we were moving in. It was October 15th. We were both 29 and moving into our first home together. I wish Mom could be here to see this. To see how hard we have worked. To see how we did so many good things by taking Everleigh in and turning her life around.

Two Weeks Later

Hudson and I had recently been having conversations about maybe possibly, starting to try to have a baby. I was so excited because this was always my dream in life. To have a perfect husband and perfect children. It was a Saturday and Hudson and I were going out to get some new things for the house.  We drove into Sevierville to go to Walmart. That was really the only one that was close enough. Plus for Walmart it was actually super stocked up with really affordable and great products.
While I was shopping in the appliance section, my phone kept buzzing. It was Everleigh.


"Eva, it's me, you need to come over here right now, Kyson's been admitted to the hospital..," Her voice shook.

Kyson was my 10 year old little brother. Ryan and Mom had him together. The first thing that came to my mind was Diabetes. I hoped and prayed that that wasn't the case. I turned to Hudson and told him we needed to leave right away. We took what was in our carts and paid for the items at the checkout lane. Hudson helped me load the stuff we got into the back of my red Ford Focus. After that we raced to the hospital. When we got there, I saw Ryan and Everleigh in the waiting room. I wondered where all her kids were.

"Evie, where's the kids?" I asked.

"Xavier's looking after them, I didn't want them here," she explained.

"Oh Eva I am so glad you're here, I don't know what Leah went through, but I assume you have some sort of a sense? I'm so confused at this point, and I don't know what's wrong with him." Ryan hugged me.

"She didn't like to talk about her personal life, I'm sorry. Let's just hope for the best and pray Kyson will be okay?" I spoke.

A woman in purple scrubs came out into the waiting room and looked around. She tossed her ginger hair over her shoulder.

"I'm looking for the family of Kyson Young?" Her nasally voice asked the small crowd in the waiting room.

"That's us," I said.

We followed her into a long hallway with little rooms separated by curtains. It was enough privacy but still seemed very exposed.

"So, you all can take a seat here, although the doctors aren't huge fans of crowding. So you may decide to take short turns to visit. It's up to you guys, but I'll be back to check in, in a few minutes," she told us all.

We decided it was best for us to go in pairs. So we did. Hudson and I sat there for the first half hour. And we talked. About life.

"Poor kid," Hudson wiped his eyes.

"I guess our Moving day, was Moving into a new life for him," I replied.

Hudson got up and sat on the edge of Kyson's bed. It was one of those moments where I knew he would be a great dad someday. I mean it is my little brother but he did so well with him. Kyson was awake, and was looking at Hudson with dozy eyes.

"Hey Ky, don't you worry about a thing, you will be okay, you are the strongest kid I know," Hudson whispered.

A doctor walked in, and sat down in the chair beside me.

"Hello I'm Doctor Johnson, I've been looking over Kyson's Files and determining what could be going on. Now his blood work and urine samples did come back without any traces of sugar which is a really really good thing." He started off.

I looked up towards the ceiling and I knew. I knew up in heaven, mom was saving him. Mom wouldn't let this happen to her little boy. Her only son. A tear rolled down my cheek and into my mouth and it tasted salty.

"What I think our issue is here, is a very strong case of the flu. I can tell he is fatigued, and he is going to the washroom quite a bit, and liquids and solids taste strange, and those are all symptoms of Diabetes, yes, but that is not what it has turned out to be." He explained.

"Thank goodness." I sighed.

"Although bringing him in for regular checkups and testing may not be a bad idea if there was trace of diabetes in his parents. I will prescribe some medicine to take for now, and if this issue continues we can figure out something then." The doctor smiled, and shook our hands.

That meant all we had to do was get Kyson out of this hospital and back into his bed at home, with his stuffed animals, and his cartoons, and his medicine.

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