Chapter Twenty: Her Birth

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On January 4th Hudson and I welcomed our precious baby girl into the world.

"Welcome to the world Hadley Wish Johnson." The nurse spoke as she handed my baby over to me.

Hudson was pretending to keep his emotions in, when I could literally see his tears rolling down his cheeks.

"We finally got our baby," he exclaimed softly.

"I'm so in love with her H," I smiled.

"I know, and her name is beautiful. Hadley."

We thought about many names for her, and this one seemed to stick. We chose 'Wish' for her middle name because she came to us in a wish. I wished to my Mom, that we wanted a baby, and she damn well gave us a baby. We were beyond happy.
The days after her birth were quiet and secluded. Not too many people came around except for Ryan occasionally. Don was busy with work, and Jessica was busy partying it up with her friends.

"Hadley Wish, you're one week old today," Hudson would tell her.

This continued until she was one month, five months, one year old. She was a very calm baby, she loved to sleep. We had thought this would've been an indicator that life would be pleasant in the near future, but I guess we were sadly mistaken.
One day when she was around two months old, Hudson and I went to visit my Gran and Grandpa Connily. We had found out that Gran was sick with cancer, and Grandpa was feeling ill as well. We went to see them in the hospital, because that was the best place for them. The nurses were very kind and appreciated our presence. A beautiful woman by the name of Sarah had shown us their room and escorted us there. Hudson was carrying Hadley in her car seat.

"Oh dear look who it is, our dear little Evangelina," Gramps muttered happily to Gran.

"Good morning Gran, hello Gramps," I smiled.

I was sad that this had happened. Just barely two months ago they were lively and celebrating Hadley's birth. Funny how things can change so fast. Hudson undid Hadley from her buckles and lifted her into his arms. I sat by Gramps and held his hand.

"This is your newest Great Granddaughter, Hadley Wish Johnson," Hudson spoke to them.

"Oh deary she's beautiful. Eva you and your sister make such beautiful looking babies" Gran held her arms out to hold her.

Hadley was looking ever so cute in her little outfit. I had put a little head wrap with a bow on her. In my heart I felt sadness because she wasn't going to be able to grow and and know who these people in front of her were, and how amazing and inspiring they were. They were my biological Dad's parents. Would I explain to her my family history? Would I tell her about the diseases that rampaged through my Mother and Father's teenage years? I didn't know. Hudson and I didn't know. Of course we were scared, for the day she grew up and had the words to ask us these questions.
Grandma and Grandpa Connily were all I had left of my Dad and that scared me. I mean I never knew him personally but he loved me and he cared for my Mother.

"Hudson, you are a lucky man, to have these two beautiful ladies in your life," Gramps smiled.

"I know, and I'm lucky to have met you two who have impacted my wife's life insanely. You are such beautiful people." Hudson leaned down to hug my Grandpa.

Baby Hadley had a heart made for loving. I knew it. Everyone knew it. She was a blessing, from my mother. My momma smiled down on us. I knew it. She knew how happy we were. She knew at this point we were remembering her as this wonderful figure in Hadley's life. So dear Hadley, if you're reading this right now, your Grandma and your grandpa both loved you so much they couldn't be on this earth to see you walk around and take your first breaths. But baby girl, your Daddy and I are with you every single step of the way. Do not forget you are beautiful and don't forget you are never alone. You've got your whole life ahead of you Hadley Wish. Live your best life baby, because it goes so fast you'll wish you could do more things.

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