Chapter Seventeen: My Dream Come True.

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April 11th

"Hudson! Hudson come in here right now!!" I yelled from the bathroom.

After a whole month or so of trying to conceive a baby, I finally got those positive lines on my pregnancy test.

"What? Babe what's wrong?" He said stumbling in with messy hair.

I just held up the test with tears in my eyes. He knelt down on the ground, crying. We had both wanted this for so long. Ever since before we got married we talked about kids. He stood and hugged me, and taking the test to look at it closer for himself. We were so happy.

I called my stepdad Ryan to tell him the news. The answering machine came on sadly.

"Hi Ryan, and Kyson of course, I just wanted to call and give you some news, I took a pregnancy test just now, and it came up positive. I'm going to get it confirmed this week, but as far as I know, I'm pregnant! So congrats Grandpa & Uncle Kyson!" I hung up the phone.

Hudson and I laid on our big comfy couch all day and watched movies. It was the most amazing feeling in the whole wide world. We had our wish. My momma was up there taking real good care of us. She knew we were ready. 
We had booked a doctors appointment for the next day, to see how far along I really was. We walked into that office, the doctor did his thing, and let us know what was happening.

"So Evangelina, it looks like you are around one month along," the doctor spoke looking at a clip board.

"Wait, one month?" I asked in shock.

I had been taking pregnancy tests once a week and there were no positives.

"Well there is always a possibility of a faulty test, which can be frightening, or it just took a good try to get the reading right." He explained.

"Now when was the last time you two did your thing?" He asked again.

"Around two, maybe three weeks ago, we tried at least twice a week, and then the last time would probably be the other night, we weren't really sure of anything," Hudson told him.

The doctor tapped his pen on the clipboard.

"I'll see you both again in another month or so." He grinned and left our little office room.

We had to go to the front desk and book our next appointment. I walked up with confidence and smiled at the woman wearing white cat eye glasses.

"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment for next month, please." I pulled out my little pocket book and scribbled down Baby's Second Month.

The woman smiled and asked my name, and what day was best for me. I told her Evangelina, and May 8th. Again I scribbled in my book, May 8th at 1:00. Hudson and I left the clinic and drove home happily. We were so blessed in this moment. We were humble, and we were thankful. When we returned home, there was a message on our answering machine.

"Hi, uh Hudson and Eva, I just got your message now and wow, I am shocked. I am more than happy for you two, you're gonna make amazing parents to the little one. I'll come by and see ya soon, give me a call tomorrow. Love you honey, and you too Hudson." Ryan talked.

I hugged Hudson tightly.

"I think it's totally going to be a girl," I laughed.

"I'm hoping boy." He hung our keys on the hook.

"When are you going to tell your parents?" I asked.

"When the time is right, I think we should wait a few months to make sure the baby's healthy, and that there's no chance of a miscarriage," he looked concerned.

"You're really going to think that way? Why would I have a miscarriage?"

"It's common, and didn't your Grandma have like three after your mother?" He scratched his head.

"You're thinking poorly of us, Hudson. It took us so long to get here, be faithful in me and my body, our baby will be healthy, as long as we wish to momma," I spoke, my voice cracking.

"I just don't want to tell my dad yet, he might get mad," Hudson shrugged.

"Babe, you're thirty years old, he won't get mad, you've got a stable life, you're living large, we are set!" I laughed.

"I'll tell him when the time is right," Hudson walked towards our bedroom.

"Hudson, the time is right, my dream came true!" I smiled.

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