Chapter Fifteen: Thirty Never Felt so Good.

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Today was my thirtieth birthday. I had nothing planned other than spending time with my husband and going out for dinner with my family because of course, it was Evie's birthday too. Ryan and Kyson were going, along with Everleigh and Xavier and their kids. I woke up that morning to Hudson bringing me in a plate of bacon and eggs with a mug full of orange juice.

"You're such a sweetheart, how did I get so lucky?" I smiled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"How did I get so lucky? Look at my beautiful wife, entering her thirties, still looking like she's eighteen!" He sipped his coffee.

"That's not so true, I love you honey,"

After my breakfast I got up and showered, and got dressed. It was January third. The snow on the ground sparkled. The mountains behind our home glistened. It was beautiful. I wore a pair of black jeans and a chunky grey knit sweater. After getting dressed I had to do some work in my office. I clicked through my facebook messages, that were all corralled into one space of just birthday wishes. Two years of no birthday wishes from mom, no I love you's. No nothing. I missed my mother so much, words couldn't even describe.
I read through some of the messages. One from my dad's mom, my grandmother.

Have a lovely day sweetie, I miss you and love you endlessly. Make all your wishes count. Your mother would be so proud of the woman you have become. Happy Birthday Evangelina.

A notification popped up, and it was from Ryan.

Evangelina, I love you. You are the most beautiful daughter, along with your sister. You guys are my pride & joy. Kyson loves you both, and we cannot wait to see you at dinner tonight. Lotta love, Ry & Ky.

I was so blessed to have such a beautiful family. And although our story takes a while to understand, it's the most amazing work of art. Hudson came into our office and sat down at his desk with his cup of coffee in hand. His hair was damp, and he was freshly showered. He began typing away on his keyboard.

"My dad emailed me telling me he's super excited to see us tonight at dinner, I'm so glad we're all getting together," he told me from behind his monitor.

"Me too, I mean this doesn't happen very often with the both of us working,"

I opened my desk drawer and rummaged around until I found mom's memory box. I looked through it often, because I just missed her so much and her childhood didn't last very long after Everleigh and I were born. My favourite thing in here was either the picture of my sister, dad and I on Valentine's Day just after he had proposed to mom, or my mothers list of wishes.


1. Bring Kyle to Gatlinburg
2. Find cures/easier ways to manage Type One Diabetes/Lung Cancer
3. Move in on Gran and Gramps' ranch
4. Get married to Kyle
5. Have children.

Well, I guess I could say I'm helping complete her wishes. I mean wish number one and three were related to my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather's property out in Gatlinburg. And here were Hudson and I, we built our first real home on the exact lot they had all those many years ago.
Wish number two was to create cures or easier management for Diabetes, or Lung Cancer. I became a cancer research doctor, and Hudson was a nurse and worked with sick kids, and newly diagnosed diabetics every single day.
Wish number four was to get married to Kyle, and I'm one hundred percent sure I found my Kyle. And I married Hudson when I was twenty eight years old, on the fourteenth of September.
The only wish I hadn't completed was lucky number five. Have children. Mom definitely completed that wish, maybe sooner than she should've but hey, we turned out fine. Hudson and I were thoroughly thinking about having children. We wanted to start a little family of our own.

5:00 pm

We were at the restaurant eating dinner, and sharing memories from our pasts. Hudson's family and our family were like the best pair ever. We stuck out like a sore thumb though, I mean thirteen people, at one long table. It was almost like those office Christmas parties you hear your parents or even your grandparents talk about from time to time depending on their occupation. After we were finished eating the delicious dinner, Ryan passed two bags down the table. One was yellow and one was pink. They were gifts for Everleigh and I. In mine, was a memory book full of baby pictures of me, and my sister, and even a few of dad. There were pictures of Ryan and I, and mom and I. It was also full of little notes and letters from mom.

My little Evangelina, while I sit here and watch your pretty face sleep next to your sister, I think of how blessed and lucky I am to be able to be your mother. Your daddy was so excited to have two little girls, and I'm devastated he won't be able to see you grow up. But it will be okay, we will get through it together. You, Everleigh and I. We will make it. I love you baby girl. Xoxo Momma.

The note I had just read brought tears to my eyes. There were probably hundreds of these little notes inside this book. My mother had been saving all these things, and scrap booking them, making it perfect just for me, and my sister of course. I flipped through the pages, and they were filled with pictures and notes. On the very last page, there was a note from mom, and also a note written in very different handwriting. I read mom's first.

Evangelina, as I get older, I get sicker. I am dying, I know my sweet girl, you will make it through life without me. You are so healthy, so beautiful and your soul glows every time I look at you. You are twenty eight now, and it feels like just yesterday I started this book and also the one I made for your sister. I trust and love that you will hopefully continue this for your own sake, or maybe one day make one for your little ones. I'm sorry I will never be able to meet them, but I know in my heart that they will be just as perfect as you turned out to be. You and Hudson will make amazing parents! I love you so dearly, and please never forget to be humble and complete your wishes and goals. Don't make stupid decisions like I did. Xoxo Momma

Ryan motioned for me to read the very last letter in the book. It was clearly from him. And it was dated for the day my mother passed away.

"Ryan what is this?" I asked.

"Read it and you'll find out," he spoke from the end of the table.

Eva, your mother is in her hospital bed right now, and she's feeling very down. She wanted me to write to you because she was too weak to do it. She's slowly speaking to me, the words that should go into this letter. She wanted me to tell you that a wish can change your life in the blink of an eye, and to never wish for something you don't mean. Do not wish death upon anyone, don't wish for sickness, don't wish for accidents. Wish for love and children, and happiness, and good living, and good health. Wish for what your heart wants. Wish for your handsome husband to treat you like the princess you are. MAKE ALL THE WISHES YOU CAN before time is up. Evangelina, don't be sad, momma's going to be okay, and happier in the big old palace in the sky. She said she loves you and will always be right beside you no matter what. Ryan & Momma xoxo

By this point, I was no longer just sniffling. I was full on bawling my eyes out. They were bloodshot. This was the last piece of a memory with mom, that I had. This present, the book and all the little notes, was the best birthday present I had ever gotten. It was perfect. The moment was perfect. With my family surrounding me, and celebrating my birthday with my twin sister.
When Hudson and I got home from our big dinner, we looked through all the picture in the book in close detail. It reminded me of so many good things. Being thirty years old, felt amazing. It was the best feeling. Knowing my Mom was up in heaven watching over my every move, was comforting. Maybe soothing would be a better word.

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