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Im sorry

Im sorry for being a shitty boyfriend

And I'm sorry you've made the choice in staying with me

I wouldn't date me

No one would

Except you

And thats what makes you perfect for me

Yourenway above me

You're the god of gods and I'm only dirt

Yet you still come down to see me

You come down from your palace and come visit me down there in the dirt

Cause its what I am


Abso;ute dikrty disgunting, trampled on, dirt

And thats what ill always be

But not you

Im sorry I doubted you

Im sorry I'm dirt

Im sorry I'm so shit

Im sorry I'm not good for you

Im sorry for being the way I am

Im sorrynfo rme

Im sorry

Im still sorry

You made the decision in staying with me

Idk why

Im grateful but I also wish you looked of rbetter

Cause you can

You can look for better people

You can date people better than me

I shouldn't even be dating anyone

Dirt deserves too be left untouched

Dirt is stepped on and used as homes for bugs and animals and plants

You use the dirt

For your benefit

You use it to make food for yourself

You use it to grow flowers and the like

But to do that you need to dig into it

You need to plow it

You need to put holes in it

You need to stamp on it

Drown ir

Leave it out in the sun

Dirt is dirt

Its used

And abused

Whether it likes it or not

I am dirt

I crumble in people's hands

Im fragile

I can't hold a solid state

Im weak

Im dirt

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