Learning Something Aboot Cartman

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(Gabbies pov)

Kenny and I walked to school hand in hand as he promised. I felt better as we held hands. Although everyone was staring at us. Kenny had pulled up his hood before we left and I was sad about that but oh well.

"Kenny I'm nervous."

"Mmpp. mmp."

"Thanks Kenny..." I said smiling. Somehow I was starting to understand him.

We walked into the school and stopped at his locker first then we went to go to mine. Next to my locker stood Kyle. I stopped walking and Kenny looked over at Kyle. He pulled his hood down to where I could see his mouth and smiled.

"Its okay, we will just go to class and we can share my stuff."

I nodded and we turned around. I sighed in relief knowing I had just suspended the pain a little longer.

"Gabbie! Gabbie!" Someone yelled.

I shrank against Kenny and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Gabbie! Its me! Krystin!"

"What?! Krystin!?" I yelled turning around.

Krystin's black hair hung over her shoulders and she hugged me. Kenny's arm was still holding on to me so I pulled out of her grasp.

"Oooo... Someones got a boyfriend already? Just moved here from our school and you got boys falling head over heel for you!" She made a kissy face.

"No Krystin its not like that!"

The bell rang and I sighed as she was yanked away by the kids rushing to get to class.

"Let's go to class then..."




I had walked up to Mr. Garrison and asked him to move my seat next to Kenny's. He had nodded and I moved a desk next to his. We sat so close that we were holding hands the whole time.

"Keennnyyyy... psss... Keeennnyyy!" Cartman whispered over to us as he sat down. "Kyle and Stan are coming!"

I folded my free arm and put my face in it. Here we go. I waited and waited and finally looked up. They were both sitting at their desks. Kyle was writing something and Stan was just sitting there.

I sighed and smiled at Kenny who I guess smiled back.

"Gabbie. Here you go I was told to give this to you." I heard Krystin whisper as the bell rang.

I looked at the paper and unfolded it with one hand. I began to read it.

Dear Gabbie,

We need to talk after school today. There is something I have to tell you. Please come alone. Meet me behind the school, three o'clock sharp. Thanks...


I looked back at Kenny who nodded at the paper and I shook my head. I needed to go and talk to him.




After school I walked out by myself behind the school. I sat on the bleachers and kicked my feet over the edge. I sat there for the longest time but just as I was going to leave Kyle walked up to me.

"Gabbie. We need to talk. I dont know what was said to you from Cartman, but he's lying!" Kyle said grabbing my hand.

I sat there and looked at his hand. "He didn't tell me anything. I called up Wendy and you and Stan were there. You were playing truth or dare with them and you were kissing them..."

"What are you talking about?! I wasn't at Wendy's house! I was out looking for you! Because.... Because I love you..." He let go of my hand and sat on the ground.

He placed his face in his hands, and I think he started to cry. I dont know what happened but one moment I was sitting there on the bleachers and the next I was in complete darkness.


I woke up and rubbed my head. It felt as if a hammer was introduced to it several times. I looked to my side and saw that I was in Kyles room. In his bed.

I stood up and almost fell to the ground but I walked to the door. Voices were coming from outside so I put my ear to it.

"I dont know what happened! Just one minute we were talking and then she fell on me!"

I think I heard Kenny's voice follow that and Kyle said something about seeing me. I ran back to the bed and closed my eyes pretending as if I was still asleep.

"Mmmph. mppmhp." Kenny was telling him to step out for a minute.

I heard the door slam and pressure was put on the bed next to my leg.

"I'm so sorry Gabbie. I should have been there." Kenny's voice came from the end of the bed.

I felt bad so I opened my eyes slowly. " Its okay Kenny. It wasn't your fault. I dont know what happened."

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "Dont ever do that again... you understand!" I hugged him back and started to cry into his shoulder. I didn't know what to do. I was in love with Kyle, but I also loved him! "Its okay... If you love him you should tell him."

"No! I love you Kenny! I love you..." I said and grabbed his jacket. I pulled him closer and kissed him fully on the lips.

"I-i love you too..."




(Kyles pov)

I backed away from the door and started to feel the tears I had been holding back fall on my face. Gabbie. She didn't love me! She loved Kenny!

There is only one way... To get Gabbie back and the only person I didn't want to go to knew how I could get Gabbie back.

"Cartman..." I whispered and ran out of my house.

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