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(Gabbies pov)

I picked my hand up and rubbed my head where it hurt. My eyes were still closed and there was a slight pressure on the left side of my head. Its probably from all of that crying I did yesterday.

I took in a deep breath of air and sat up. Pushing my hair down I dropped my arm and hit something hard. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Then I looked down beside me.





I dove on top of him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "OHMYGODOHMYGOD!" I yelled crying.

"Gabbie?" He asked and I just squeezed him tighter. He sat up with me on top of him and looked around confused. "What is happening?"

"Your alive! Your alive!" I cried out and kissed him.

I dont know what happened but he sat there for a second processing what had just happened, then he kissed me back. We kissed for the longest time (Cough cough French style cough cough) and then pulled away.

"I love you Kyle." I whispered with my eyes closed.

"I love you too..." He whispered back hugging me close.




I walked down stairs and stood in the kitchen with a smile on my face. Mr. Broflovski turned around and jumped.

"Woah you scared me Gabbie!"

"Mr. Broflovski. There is something I have to show you." I smiled harder and a tear ran down my face.

He frowned and I walked to the stair way. "Kyle! Come down here!"

"Gabbie... Kyles dead..." Mr. Broflovski said.

"No he's not!" I said and suddenly foot steps were heard coming down the stairs.

"Dad?" I heard kyle ask.

Something shattered on the floor behind me and I tripped into Kyles arms. He pushed me up and I looked over at Mr. Broflovski.

"Kyle?" He asked confused.

"What?" Kyle said wrinkling his eye brows.

Everyone was quiet for the longest time. I stood there staring at both of them then finally Kyles dad ran to Kyle and hugged him. His dad kisses his forehead and Kyle made a face.

"SHEILA! COME QUICK!" Mr. Broflovski yelled and foot steps were heard running down the stairs.

She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared down at her 'dead' child. "Kyle?"

Her face lit up and she ran down the stairs scooping him up and holding him close. "KYLE! MY BABY!"


Tears rolled down my face as I watched the family rejoice. If only I had a family, who loved me. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. At least kyle and his family were happy...

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