Chapter 1: Happy sixteenth birthday

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Tessa, happy birthday to you!!"

I just woke up, and my family is so happy, standing around my bed, holding birthday gifts.

"Good morning, darling." My mom said. "16, gosh my sweet, little girl is growing up so fast." Squeezing me hard in a hug.
"Okay mom, you can let me go now."
She let go and gave me a gift. "This is from me.", she said.
It was a pink bag with pink paper inside it.
I opened the bag and saw a beautiful, blue dress. It was decorated with pearls and diamonds.
"It's for your party!"
"Thank you so much!" I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"This is from me", my father said. "I hope you like it."
It was a shoebox and inside the box I saw a blue pair of glittering heels to match the dress.
"Owww, they're so beautiful. Thanks dad!" I gave him a quick hug.

"Hey now it's my turn" I looked down and saw my little brother standing there. "Happy birthday!", he yelled.
"Theo, don't yell!", mom said.
"Sorry", he frowned and gave me a a self made card. I opened the card and immediately regretted it. My bed was now full of glitter.
"Gosh Theo, you've really outdone yourself." I gave him a fake smile, while trying to stay calm. He hugged me tight and left the room.
"We'll see you downstairs.", dad said.

After checking my phone, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I took a soft towel and put it around me. I then blow dried my hair and put on some concealer and mascara.
I then brushed my teeth and went back to my room to put on a pair of jeans and a red tank top.

After putting my hair up in a ponytail I went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Because it's your birthday," my mom said,"I made waffles!"
I really love waffles. She only makes them on special occasions.
After breakfast I put on my shoes I took my backpack and went of to school by bicycle.

On my way I always pick up my three best friends: Moon Sooren, Iris Switch and Sienna Jones.
I've known Moon from when we were little, kindergarten, and we've  been friends ever since.  Iris, Sienna and I have been friends since last year. We're all in the same class so that's a relief.

"Happy Birthday bae!!", they all shout at the same time. "You're finally sixteen but you're still the youngest one, hahaha.", Moon said.
"Heeyy I'm only a day younger than you are!", I said.
"Still, you're the youngest. Anyway I found a DJ for tomorrow."
"That's great!" Tomorrow is our (Moon and I) sweet sixteen party. It's at her house because she's got the biggest one. Let's just say she's very rich.

When we reached school we put our bikes in the bike shed. We went to our usual spot near the benches and talked about the people who entered school.

It is Friday so we start with math. Our teacher Miss.Valente is standing in front of the class watching us enter.
"Tessa and Iris can I talk to you about something please?", she said.
"Of course." We walked towards her desk and waited for her to speak.
"I wanted to ask you Tessa if you could give Oliver White tutoring lessons about math of course and you Iris if you could give Kevin Jefferson them. I know it's a big thing to ask since you have your own studies but I would really appreciate it."
Iris replied first,"Sure I could do that but once a week is enough wright?"
"Yes, of course that's great. How about you Tessa?"
"Uuhmm... I guess I'm fine with that."
"Great! I'll let them know." "Oww, and thanks again!"
We both nodded and went to our desks.
"What was that about?", Sienna asked.
"She asked if we could tutor someone ."
"Not any someone! Tessa has to tutor Oliver!", Iris said.
Don't say it, don't say it. I kept repeating it in my head.
"Ooohhh it's the boy you like!", Sienna said. Wright at the moment the words left her mouth Oliver entered the class together with Kevin and Samuel.
Oliver looked our way and smiled. I started blushing and put my head down.
After everyone entered the class Miss.Valente started.

After a few more classes it was finally lunch time. We went to the school cafeteria and took our usuals. For me it was a sandwich with cheese, an apple and an ice tea. We sat down and our other friends joined us.

Belle is a blond headed girl with blue eyes. She loved to read mangas and she loves animals. "It's your birthday today! I'm so exited for you! Did you get a lot of gifts? Oww Oww did you get a puppy?", she kept talking and talking. She is so funny when she does that.
I chuckled,"Slow down, hahaha. I didn't get a puppy because I already have a cat. But I got a dress and a pair of shoes!"
"Oww okayy that's fun too I guess."

Alissa one of the most popular girls I know(because she's a singer/songwriter) has brown hair and eyes. She loves shopping and fashion. "I have got a lot of gifts for you and Moon, but I'll give them tomorrow at the party!"
"That's great, thanks."
"You will give me some time to sing tomorrow wright?"
"Sure, 'the stage' is yours whenever you want."
"That's great! Thank you so much! I'll have to practice some songs than."

After a few minutes of chatting and gossiping we heard someone approach.
"Oh my gosh!! Tessa it's your birthday today! How come I didn't know that?"
"If you didn't know, how come you're asking me this question now?"
"I know now thanks to the party invite I got. Oh and thanks to Facebook! This invitation is wrong! It says the party is tomorrow."
"No, it's correct. The party is tomorrow. Moon and I send it weeks ago. Do you ever open your locker."
"Of course I never open my locker, until now. Why would I do that?"
"So you don't freak when there's a party the day after! Do you even have an outfit yet?"
"Oh shit! I don't! This is a disaster! I'll have to go buy something this evening then! No, I have to go now!"
"What about your classes?" I shouted.
"I don't care! This is more important! Bye people!"
We all laughed and shouted, "Bye Charlie!"
We watched him run away.

After school I said goodbye to my friends and drove to my grandmas.
"Grandma, grandpa I'm here!", I yelled.
"Tessa! Happy birthday!" My grandpa picked me up and twirled me around.
"Marcel let her go.", grandma said.
"I'm fine grandma."
"Come here!" She hugged me tight. "I baked lemon cookies for you!"
"Oohhnn you didn't have to do that."
"We also brought you a present."
It was a small box with a golden ribbon around. I opened it and inside the box was a pair of diamond earrings and a diamond necklace.
"This must have cost a fortune!"
"Oh darling no. This was my grandmothers.", she said.
I gave them a big hug.

After eating some cookies with a cup of tea I left to go home.
I locked my bike, got inside and went upstairs to my room. I took my computer and opened Facebook. I replied on all the people who put something on my page.

It is 7:09PM and I am starting to get hungry. Luckily mom is calling for dinner. I go downstairs and sit on my usual spot. I smell tomato sauce. Mom comes in the dining room with lasagna. It's my favorite food. After dinner dad wanted us to stay a little longer.
A few minutes later he entered with a large chocolate cake decorated with vanilla icing and sixteen candles.
I blew out the candles. I wanted to take the first piece, until...
"Mommy, can I have the first piece?", Theo asked.
"Sweety, no it's your sisters birthday so she can have the first piece."
"Tessa can I have the first piece?", he asked me.
Mom looked annoyed."Theo what did I say!"
"Mom it's fine, we don't want any drama.", I said.
I gave the first piece to Theo and then took one for myself. Mom and dad took their own.

After the cake I said goodbye and gave them all a hug. I went upstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair.

On my way to my room I hear my phone buzz. I look up and see that I've gotten a text. When I open my phone I see that the text is from Oliver. I immediately start blushing.

'Eeyy Tessa. Happy B-day!! I wanted to thank you for wanting to tutor me. I warn you it's not going to be easy with me;) Anyways I also wanted to thank you for the party invite! See you tomorrow! ~Oliver'

'Hi, thank you and no problem, I can handle it:) See you tomorrow! ~Tessa'

After I replied I felt weird. I had a big smile on my face and with that smile I go to bed.

Hi guys! This is my first story, so it's probably not that good but I thought it's worth a try. I really hope you're gonna like it!:)

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