Chapter 10: Kevin's party (2)

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"Hey, Tessa wait up!", I look behind me and see him. Michael! It's such a long time that I haven't seen him. Like yesterday or so but that's sooo long. I run to him and give him a hug.
"What are you doing here?", I ask in a happy way.
"Going to the party duhh.", he starts laughing. "What else?"
"Okay okay, love birds it's enough.", Iris taps on both of our shoulders and we walk further. This time with Michael behind us.

After a while Kevin walks up to us and asks us if we want to play spin the bottle. I see that Iris turns around to walk away. I give Michael a look and he luckily understands me that he has to stop Iris and let her join us. I turn back to Kevin en tell him we'll join them.
"Iris you're coming with us.", I say while grabbing her arm and dragging her towards them. "I don't care if you're not gonna do anything but I still want you there, for support.", I really hope I don't have to kiss a girl or something. We join the group, there we see: Moon, Samuel, Charlie, Sienna, Oliver, Adelaide, Belle, Nathan, Jason, Cassie and a boy I don't know. He's got green eyes and brown hair that is comb back. He can't be older than 18. Kevin saw me looking at him and tells me his name is Mason and what I don't expect is that Mason is Kevin's cousin. They're so different from each other. We join the group and I sit next to Jason. He's has got dark blond hair and blue eyes. He's way to tall, so every time I stand up next to him I feel so small. The last few years we became closer and closer, as friends of course. He's interested in Cassie, a girl with black hair and brown eyes. We don't speak so often so I don't really know her that well.
"I guess everyone knows how spin the bottle works!", Kevin says to the people that are interested. He puts an empty beer bottle in the middle of the group and spins it. It turns slower and slower when it is coming my direction. Iris is sitting on the other side of me and the bottle stops pointing at her, exactly at her.
"Oh hell no!", she shouts. She's backing up and putting her hands in the air as defense.
"Oh come on it's not that bad.", I hear from in front of me. Iris rolls her eyes and looks at me for support. As her friend I want to help her of course but this is gonna make history. Not really for all people but this is gonna be our history.
I then say:"Yeah Iris, it's not that bad.", she looks at me with eyes that say I'm going to get you back so hard. I'm going to ruin your life. Okay maybe not that bad, at least I hope not. Kevin walks closer and sits on the highs of Iris. He closes his eyes and leans forwards. Iris is just sitting there leaning back every time he comes closer. She tries standing up, but unfortunate for her, Kevin saw her and kisses her fully on the lips. The kiss is over and then Iris does something no one could ever imagine. She slaps him so hard in the face, that her hand print is left behind on his cheek. I hear the whole gasp and see some girls getting over there to help him. And when I say help, I really mean help. Because of the slap on his cheek he passed out. I don't know how hard she slapped him but she's got balls to do that. I stand up and run the kitchen with Michael behind me.
"Where you going?", he asks while fast walking after me.
"To get some water for Kevin. That slap on his face totally nocked him out. I now know what everyone is going to be talking about."
"That punch in the face was so good. I enjoyed every minute of it. But still, poor guy, he didn't deserve that.", I roll my eyes with the first part. He's right, I do feel kinda bad for him. But I'll always support Iris in everything.
"Hmm", I take a glass and fill it with water. I then walk back trying not to spill any.
"Did you see the new guy?", Michael then asks a little nervous.
"Umm, yeah I guess he's kinda cute.", I then say. Michael's face turns light red.
"Yeah he is.", I hear him whisper. I think I wasn't supposed to hear that but I did. Could he be gay? I'm totally fine with it. But no then I would have already known right? We tell each other everything. Almost everything, but I thought he trusted me. I decide not to tell him that I heard and just walk back without talking. When we get there, Kevin's sitting in the sofa. He's still pale so walk to him, sit on my knees and give him the glass of water. He looks at me and says thank you. I then give him the look that says I'm sorry.
"Where's Iris?", I finally ask.
Moon answers: "She went home, she didn't want to be here anymore.", Really you're letting me solve your problem. Ugh. Kevin stands up and tells everyone that we're continuing spin the bottle and that everything is going fine with him. Since Iris isn't here anymore, it's Mason's turn. He spins the bottle real slow and it stops with Michael. I look at him and his face is turning bright red. Mason is actually looking normal. Mason stands up and presses his lips on Michael's. He really seems to enjoy it. After that more random people go and I'm so glad that the bottle doesn't point at me. The funniest part was when Cassie and Adelaide had to kiss. They didn't argue about it, they just went for it.
But then... it's Oliver's turn. He spins the bottle and guess what... the bottle points at me. Oh gosh! This is gonna be so awkward. I'm still in a relationship, I'm wondering if I should do it. Oh well, I'm in an argument with Jake anyways so whatever. I stand up and grab a hold of his cheeks and press my lips fully on his. The hold world fades away. It's only him and me at the moment. Our lips fit perfectly on each other. They melt away. Then reality hits me and I remind my self that we're in a room full of people. I lean back, smile at him and walk back to my place. I hear people whistling and laughing. I start blushing and look at my shoes. When I look back up I realize that Moon and Samuel are missing. I don't want anything else to happen so I decide to go look for them. But first I have to go to the toilet. I walk upstairs, because the bathroom is probably up there. I open a random door and oh gosh immediately close it. Found them... I saw Moon pressed against the wall with Samuel in front of her kissing her neck. Did I mention that she was topples and Samuel too. I hope they didn't see me. It's actually kinda funny thinking about it. I start laughing so hard that I go sit on the ground before falling. I slide down the wall and run my hands through my hair. I then realized I also came here for another reason, the bathroom. I open the next door and thank god, I found it. I'm so happy that there aren't any more private situations I disturb. I quickly wash my hands after and go back downstairs.
To my surprise I see Moon sitting there in the sofa. She looks at me and she's blushing. I immediately start laughing. She looks at me as if she's gonna laugh too, but doesn't want to cause it's weird laughing about her own embarrassing moment. I sit next to her and start laughing harder. Everyone is looking at me but I don't really care. If they new what I know they would also start laughing. I look at Samuel and he's sitting in the corner next to Oliver. I give him a quick look and smile, I then turn back to Moon. When I look at her, you can guess what happens, I start laughing, again. I'm sorry but this is so funny. Moon rolls with her eyes, stands up and walks away, while dragging me with her. I hop after her while still laughing, I look like I'm drunk or so.
"Where leaving!", she says and walks outside in the direction of my house.
"But the party's not over yet.", I say kinda disappointed. It's actually really fun.
"Don't care, let's go. And please.." she look at me with begging eyes. "Don't say anything to anyone.", when she says that I start laughing again.
"You're so unbelievable!", she shouts a little angry.
"Thank you.", I say and give her a big smile.
"What's the worst thing that can happen?", I say, walk towards her and lean my arm on her shoulder.

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